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Teyana -

"Fucking stop, Khalil." I yelled.

"I only did it twice!"

"That's two fries!"

He pouted.

"I get hungry too." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"TT is mean." He said to Sariah.

"No TT is pregnant." I said, eating my

She giggled, "your mommy will be here soon."

Just then there was a knock.

"Come in!" He yelled.

Lauren walked in with a big smile on her face.

"Sariahhhhhh." She smiled, picking up her baby.

"Hey Lauren." Khalil said, not paying her much attention.

"What's up? What are y'all doing?" She asked.

"Getting ready for this baby." I said.
"Oh. Are you excited?"


"Has she eaten?" She asked Khalil.

"Nah, she woke up not to long ago."

"Well, I'm about to go get her some lunch, say bye to Daddy."

"Bye bye." She began crying.

"Aw, don't cry love." He picked her up and kissed on her.

Lauren stood there, smiling. Sariah laid her head on his chest.

"I love you." Khalil said.

"Love you." She cried. Khalil started tearing up too, I laughed & he gave me a dirty look.

"Byeeee." He kissed her all over her face and handed her back to her mom.

They left.

"Josiah next." I said, just as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Khalil yelled.

Julissa walked in, with her tall ass boyfriend, Julian. He was cute, fresh cut, tattoos, pretty smile & he had money.

"Mommmmmmy !" Josiah screamed, running over to her.

She kneeled down and caught him. She poked her lips out & they kissed.

"Oooo right in the kisser !" She exclaimed. Josiah started laughing hard & she tickled him. She stood up, putting him on her waist.

"Hey y'all." She smiled.

"What's up?" Khalil nodded.

"How y'all doing?" Julian lifted his hand, waving.


"How was he Khalil? Were you a good boy for Daddy?" She cooed.

She's such a good mom.

"Yeah, he was aight." Khalil smiled.

I know they don't talk unless it's about him, but I still feel like he looks at her in a different light. Like whenever she's playing with Josiah, he smiles & his whole face lights up.

"Hey lil man." Julian said.

"Hey." Josiah dapped him up. Khalil's jaw clenched.

"Look at their handshake !" Julissa laughed.

"You taught him that ?" Khalil asked. He didn't seem amused.

"Yeah, man. Want me to show you?"

"Nah, save that shit."

"Oh. Okay." Julian chuckled, raising his eyebrows.

Khalil nodded. Julissa continued to kiss on Josiah.

"Well I'm gonna take him by your mom's house, then to his Papa's." She said, rubbing her nose on his.

"Alright, tell ya pops I said hi."


Khalil came and kissed her on the cheek, then they hugged. They do this everytime. He kissed Josiah then left.

"You saw that nigga playing Daddy with my son ?" He asked me.

"Khalil, it was just a handshake."

"Yeah, that J is supposed to do with his Daddy."

"It was cute." I said.

"For real?"

"Yeah, they'd be a cute family. Julissa, Julian, Josiah." I smiled.

"Shut up, Teyana. He's my son, my family, not his." He snapped.

"Okay! Damn, touchy."

He rolled his eyes & stormed up the steps.

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