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I worked both Sam and Mikey's shifts at the bookstore instead of going to my classes. I also scheduled an appointment to talk with the police. It still didn't feel real, which happened to be one of the reasons why I probably didn't go back home.

For most of the day the place was empty. My friends didn't visit and I could hardly blame them. Minutes before close Craven walked in.

Even through my self-pity party I could appreciate how gorgeous he looked. He wore a hoodie under a black blazer and jeans. The dark colors made his hair, skin, and eyes magnets for attention.

We smiled at each other as he entered and he approached the counter.


I forgot about the dreams entirely until he stood there, feet from me and practically begging me to touch him. I curled my fingers against my palms.


"How're you holding up?"


"I just wanted to say if you need anything I'm here for you, okay?"

I drummed on the counter top with a heavy sigh.

"That sidhe I pissed off is Prince Cael. of his people kidnapped me because they thought I was someone named Persephone. Somehow I lucked out and escaped, but not before Cael promised to kill me." Tear slipped down my cheeks. "I almost thought he gave up but..."

"Shh." He leaned over and pulled me into an embrace. The halo of his power and sweetness of his scent soothed me more than words ever could. Despite the creepy dreams, he felt and smelled like safety--and that was something I desperately needed. "It'll be okay." He rubbed my back.

"Will it? Sometimes I..." Pulling away from him I walked over to the door and locked it. "Never mind. Look I need to close up, I hate to do this but if you're here to buy something can you grab it really fast."

"I only stopped in to see how you were holding up."

My stomach twisted. "How did you know I worked here?"

"I've been stalking you." He flashed a smile. "No, I just saw you through the window."

"Oh." Relief washed over me.

"Let me buy you dinner."

"I don't know."

"This isn't a date. This is just one neighbor concerned about another neighbor after being through something most would consider terrifying."

"You don't?"

"Terrifying is a subjective term. Once you've seen war, real war, the word has a completely different definition."

He did have a point, in his hundreds if not thousands of years of existence he'd probably experienced some horrible things that made last night seem like nothing. To me the events of the night before were terrifying, to him it was more than likely only slightly disturbing.

"Okay, where do you want--" I shook my head coming to my senses. "I can't. My friend's in the hospital and I should really go check if they're letting anyone visit him. He's the older brother I always wanted."

"How about I drive you there and we can pick up Chinese for your friends along the way?"

"You're trying really hard."

"I'm not being selfless. There's a motive to wanting to get to know you that has nothing to do with sex and dating."


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