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The next morning, I woke up in Craven's arms from a dreamless sleep with my face pressed to his chest. Whiffs of his natural scent made me coo with delight. He smelled like a warm summer day, like flowers, fresh cut grass and sunlight with just a hint of musk and spice.

Sleeping in on Saturday was an artform I mastered years ago. However, no matter how much I wanted to stay there listening to his breathing and heartbeat I still had a paper to write. I groaned with the realization that my day was going to be spent staring at a tiny computer screen making heads or tails of half a James Joyce novel.

"Morning sunshine," Craven purred rubbing my shoulder.

"Morning." I snuggled up to him and perched my chin against his chest.

"So much for our early breakfast, huh?" He chuckled.

"What time is it?"


"Damn." I rolled onto my back and sat up.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, I have to write a paper." I stood and stretched, stifling a yawn.

"Pity." Those amazing lilac eyes roved my body and I blushed. "I'll swing by in an hour with some brunch."

"It's never 'is it okay if I swing by' with you."

"You're mine, remember? I take my protection duties very seriously when it comes to keeping those who are mine safe, I'll have you know. That means making certain you eat on occasion, and popping in to check on you."

Why is this hot? What the hell is wrong with me that this makes me short of breath and my panties damp?

I cleared my throat and crossed my ankles. "Some might call that a little presumptive."

"Are you really saying you don't want me to? Keep in mind I can tell when you're lying."

Scrunching my nose, I turned. "Damn." I walked out of the bedroom, he followed.

Right as I reached for the door knob he pulled me back against chest, trapping me in his warmth and that intoxicating scent. I leaned into him. I loved that little tingle of our echo.

"Thanks for taking my dreams," I purred.

"Your welcome." He kissed my neck and my knees practically buckled. Oh, it was a quick little chaste brush of his lips against my pulse, but the buzz of the echo right on one of my favorite spots was almost too much. My eyes rolled in to the back of my head and a startled breathy moan broke my lips. Mortified didn't begin to describe me when what I did sunk in.

With burning cheeks, I attempted to struggle away from him, but he held me fast. Somehow, I'd forgotten that he wasn't human. Sidhe possessed a natural strength that was easily three times that of a human—and for a Sidhe Craven was an exceptional specimen of masculine fitness. Essentially it was like being held in place by the sexiest vice on the planet.

"It's not a bad thing to like when I touch you," he whispered into my ear. The damp air of his breath caressing my neck in all the right ways made my toes curl as I trembled in his arms.

After a quick kiss on my cheek he released me. My blush refused to abate. I was practically panting and so tightly wound I felt I would snap. Still he didn't press things further.

Though I slept in his bed he still had yet to try anything. Either he was the best gentleman in the world or something else was going on. It was suspicious; Sidhe didn't deny themselves sex—I remembered that much from health class.

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