|29| Storm

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I held a mug to my lips as I watched rain streak down the large living room windows. My siblings sat around me on the plush couch, Carson sitting on the arm rather than squished against us girls. They all focused on their phones and mugs of hot chocolate rather than the tv, but so did I. Well, minus the phone part. I enjoyed watching the rain blur the windows, watching swaying trees turn into blobs of green. Lightening lit up the darkened afternoon sky, and thunder rumbled in our ears.

Bringing the mug to my lips, I took another sip of the chocolate beverage. Whipcream and tiny marshmallows accompanied it down my throat as Lydia practically screamed, waving her hand in front of her mouth.

"Hot. Hot!" She exclaimed.

Vienna laughed lightly, which earned her a playful nudge. The sisters were certainly trying to get along better. It'd only been a day since our encounter with Drew, so Vienna still tensed a bit while Lydia tried a bit too hard. Overall, I thought it sweet that Lydia wanted to right her wrongs in her own way. I also found that I enjoyed her company, and laughing at her antics.

Glancing at Carson to Vienna's right, I noticed his face light up. "Hey, guys! Party tonight!"

I gestured to the windows. "Do you not have eyes, or ears?"

He rolled his eyes in response. "Of course I do. My eyes are what make me the most attractive."

Lydia snorted beside me. "Ignoring that, a little rain shouldn't stop us."

Vienna shrugged. "I think Ada is right. It could be dangerous."

As if the universe heard her, the electricity clicked off. The tv no longer blared and all that illuminated the room was our cell phones. A particularly loud crack of thunder sounded, and Lydia almost screamed in fright. She didn't light storms, which I found to be a bit humorous. The girl that could slice a guy cowered from thunderstorms. Interesting. Yet, she still wanted to party.

"Okay, scratch that. I'm not leaving this house!" Lydia exclaimed, her silhouette hugging her mug closer to her chest.

I lightly laughed. "Power outages can be fun. Don't be scared."

"I'm not scared! I'm practical," Lydia huffed, although I could sense how tensely she sat.

 "If power outages can be fun," Carson drawed, and I could guess where he was going to say, "then a party during one will be even more fun!"

"The power might not be off there," I point out."

"It's near us, so it will be," Carson responded. I heard him hop off the couch and saw his silhouette nearly jump up and down from excitement, almost spilling his mug of hot chocolate as he pocketed his phone. "This is going to be awesome!"

"Who's hosting?" Vienna asked, propping her feet onto the table and draining her mug. 

"Ada's friend Tala, and her brother, Chris."

My blood ran cold at the mention of Chris. Could I really go into that house? I realized that yes, I could. I could and I would, because he wouldn't stop me from enjoying myself.

"Isn't Chris one of those guys who stood against you, Ada?" Lydia questioned, a certain edge to her voice that I can't place. Was she- angry at him for my sake?

In answer to her question, I nodded. Luckily, she makes out my gesture through the darkened room. As she opened her mouth to speak, I beat her to it.

"Look, it's fine. Tala is still a good friend of mine, and I can handle myself."

I felt her pat me on the shoulder. "Ah, so you're a tough girl after all."

I weakly laughed. "Somewhat."

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