Chapter Two

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16. Lean against stuff. As long as you look cool doing do it. If you don't, slouch in chairs. Bad boys don't have a posture.

17. You need to be at least 5'11. If you're this tall and normal girls are about 5'2 to 5'7 you have height on them. Girls like tall guys.

18. Bully people. Actually, don't. Pretend to bully people.

19. Fight people. Just pretend. We don't want you're face getting hurt pretty boy.

20. Act like you're too cool for school. The more arrogant you make yourself look, the more you repulse good girls. The more you repulse good girls, the harder they fall for you. Got it? Great!

21. Break stuff. Random stuff. Don't gather a crowd to be like "Watch me snap this pencil!" and expect the crowd to be amazed. Unless they're drunk, but why would you break stuff surrounded by drunk people?

22. Don't touch a book if there is anyone from school in sight. It lowers your bad boy status. Books are poison.

23. Get a motorcycle. If you can't afford one, steal it.

24. Have this huge girly secret that you let no one know, except the good girl. For example, if you're an awesome artist, don't tell the world! But when the good girl comes over have you're drawings all over your room walls. And only tell her. (It makes her feel special.)

25. Lose stuff. Not actual stuff. Like pencils. Ask the good girl if you could have one. Every day. It will aggravate her to no end.

26. Change the type of music you listen to into rock

27. Wardrobe change! Trade all your plaid shirts for white v-necks. If you want you can get skinny jeans. But no. Skinny jeans for guys is not advised.

28. If you went ahead with the skinny jeans then get an electric guitar and learn how to play it. Maybe write a song. Make a band.

29. Referring to step 28. Do it anyway. I heard girls are suckers for guys who write songs about them.

30. Gel your hair all the time. No exceptions. No grease, just gel.

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