Chapter Five

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So bad boys prank. Yes. This is also a major component as well.

These following steps will help you with your pranking ways.

Before we start, remember we want good pranks, not childish ones.

1. Replace toothpaste with a tube of Bengay.

2. Place masking tape on the bottom of all the computer mouses in the computer labs/library.

3. Put an air horn under the teachers swivel chair.

4. Mayo filled donuts.

5. Mix together m&ms and skittles... Yum.

6. Place cups full of water all over the place.

7. Place something in the shower head.

8. Peroxide or hair dye in shampoo/ conditioner

9. Jello-fy everything in sight.

10. Febreze grenades. Or Axe.

11. Cream cheese deodorant.

12. Toothpaste/any white cream filled Oreos.

13. Make 'orange' juice with Kraft Mac&Cheese packet and hand it off to someone.

14. Caramel covered onions.

15. Post-it's or plastic wrap a teacher/principals car.

16. Mix soy sauce and sprite to make 'diet coke'

17. Fill an office with balloons.

18. Mash potato and gravy sundae.

19. Grow a garden in their keyboard.

20. Turn sponges into a cake.

21. Steal peoples regular clothes in gym

Any of these shall do well. Good luck and don't get caught

Steps on How to Be A Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now