Lost and Found

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  • Dedicated to Billy Bob Bob Billy

        It was 3:00 when I checked my phone. It usually takes me 30 minutes to get home from school. But today I had the worst day of my life and I still have half of my day to go. I hope that things are going to be better when I get home. It was 3:25 when I finally got home. When I step in I saw my two brothers coming down the stairs. They were yelling as always. So I went to my room, closed the door and then blasted my stereo. What came on the radio was One Thing by One Direction. I did not hear my mom and dad get home but I did hear them yelling and banging on my door for me to turn off my stereo because it was 9:00 at night and Tommy and Davis were trying to sleep. After I did I went down strars to watch TV. I ended up watching True Blood even though I hated it. I watched it for like 5 minutes before I ended up going to bed.

         The next moning I woke up at 6:00 to get ready for school. When I was walking I felt like I was being watched so I looked around.(No one. What was I thinking?!?!?!) When I got to the school there was a guy in front of my locker. "May I help you?" I asked.

        "Yeah, maybe I'm new here and I can't find my way. Can you help? He asked me.

        "Maybe first whats your name and where are you trying to go?

        "Ok, ok my name is Cody Mills and I'm trying to get to Mr. Marks 9th grade math class. Can you help?"

        "Sure Cody. My name is Lilly, but you can call me Liz. I was just on my way to his class to so you can just follow me." While he followed me, I had that weird feeling that someone was following us. When we got to class he said thanks to me. When we walked in we were the last people to get there. " Sorry that we are late I was just showing, Cody, the new kid around and showing he to his classes." 

        "It is ok miss Rich you may take your seat. And for you Mr. Mills It's nice to meet you. There is a seat next to Morgan and Chirs in the back you can sit there for now." Mr. Marks told us.

        After school Cody and walked home ( his two doors down from me. Who knew) and I told him that I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird. When we got to my house we  say goodbye and when I got in the house there was a creep person that shut the door befend me. The next thing I knew is that I was tierd up in the forest. I could not talk or even move, and  in the distance there was a figure. It started to get closer and closer until I could see his face. Is that Neil I though to myself.

        "Nice to see your awake and still tired up. Molly meet your new roommate. Isn't she pretty?" He said awhile his finger went down my face.

        I tried to get out but it was no use. The knots were too tight around me. I just wish they would take off this tape from my mouth. When they left I notice a small sharp thing in the grass that was two feet away. I tried to get it but they came back with a knife and a needle that looked like they were going to give me a shot. When I woke up my arm and neck hurt. I tried to get up but my leg was tied to the bed. There was a window that was wide open. I could sit up but when I did the light coming though the window burned me. " Ooow!" I yelled and thats when Molly I think and a guy come rushing in.

         "Are you ok there?" they both said to me

         I had a lot of questions going through my mind right now but I only asked one."Why does it hurt when the sun touches my skin?"

         "You're a vampire now. We just made sure that you would not get away until you were fully turned," The guy said. "My name is Riley. Molly and I are going to help you out and are going to train you."

         " Well I cant get but until you guys untie my from the bed and close the blinds." I was hoping that they would do that fast but they told my that I had to get out by myself. I tryed to but the sun hurts when I sit up. Then I brought my leg up with it not touching the sun. I untied my leg and rolled off the bed and got out. 

         "It took you long enough, but at least your out!!!"

         "That was a test?" I asked looking confused. "Is there more that I need to know?"

         "Yes. You need to learn to control yourself." Molly told me. "Control is the key of your existence- includuding going to school. One other thing you need to wear this ring it will let you be in the sun with out burning."

          "Ok I have one more question. Why did you choose me out of all the innocent people in the world to become a vampire?"

        "Because you were the juiciest" Riley told me.

        Molly slapped Riley when he said this. I guess he was not supposed to tell me that. "WHAT?!?!?!"

        At that point I was cranky and starting to feel unlike myself. My mouth stared to hurt I ran to a mirror super fast and my hair was shiny black, my eyes were turning green and back to blue and I had fangs and it really hurts. Suddenly I couldn't remember what had just happened to me.  When Molly and Riley finally caught up to me they told me to remember that I only had one moral enemy- the werewolf. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up in a bed I've never even seen in pictures.

        I guess I fell asleep. Molly came in and told me to stay in tonight because its a full moon. I asked her why.

        "There are many werewolves out there. When it is a vampire's first full moon,a werewolf would love to get their hairy hands on you. So just remember to stay in tonight. Got it?"

        "Yeah. I guess so." Then we left to get breafast. Breakfast surprised me because it wasn't at all like what I'd heard in the legends. We had just a normal breakfast but little did I know that I was going to have hunting lessons later. My trainors weren't hungry for blood that night, but they showed me anyway. I learned I have a lot of work to do still. He told me that we are going to hunt for animals becasue it help control me with the craving for blood, and when you have blood from a humun it makes vampires wild. "Why is that?" I asked.

        "It is hard to explan it just is now back to the training." he told me.

        That night I followed Molly back in to our room but I noticed that she never sleeps. But whenever I got back in I was so tired. I learned that I'm really supposed to sleep during the day which was hard enough in my human life. It was impossible now but I really didnt't want to wake up my trainors with my complaining. (Which I do a lot of.) So I just put up with it and maybe it was for the best. I looked out of the window. As I saw the moon I started to feel like all of my bones were breaking. after 30 mineuts I was in tremendous pain and really hairy. The next thing I know was that I did not know where I was at but I knew that is was on the werewolfs side. I knew that wasn't a good thing but what I didn't know is I am a hybrid. I tried to call for help but my voice wouldn't work. I was so scared and I had no clue how to fend off a werewolf alone. My trainors were busy enough telling me what to do and how to act. They thought I wasn't ready for this. Just then I thought it was all over when I saw a familiar face coming closer. It was Cody! "You would not know how happy I am to see you." I tried to scream and this time I got full power.

***********************************************************************************************************************I'm making it into chapters it might take me a while! Thank you so much to every one out there that is reading this story!!! :)


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