chapter 4

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        Again Riley shows up in a time of need. He answers my one question  that I had asked Molly and disappeared into the shadows. I guess he thought he could take on a huge pack of werewolves by himself. He did not get the result he wanted. Instead, he was screaming like a little kid and I ran in to save the day. Now, I'm not exactly the charming type of person, so when they stopped dead when I showed up, I hope they weren't in love. But I think some were because they were ambushing Riley when I got there. Or the other reason, I hope, is they didn't want to harm a lady. I'll go with the not wanting to harm a lady "I heard you screaming and just thought you needed my help because I am a werewolf too. 

        "Ya I guess but why did they stop when you walked in?" Riley asked

        "How should I know?! I'm just an abnormal girl!"I told Riley.

        "Because she is the princess of the werewolves!!! That's why we stop fighting." This is when Riley's and my eyes become really big.

        "WHAT!!!" me and Riley said at the same time.

        "Yeah. That is why we have been trying to find you. You were adopted and 5 years ago the king and queen told us to find you so you can be in your rightful place."

        "That is why I dont look like my parents. That clears up a lot of stuff for me."

        " Does it really?" 

        "You say that like it shouldn't... but yeah it does." 

        "Like what kind of stuff and yeah you're right. It shouldn't clear up a lot. There's more to your story than even you know." 

        " It clears up why everyone is scared of me. I thought it was because they thought I was weird. Also why gym class is my favorite I'm incredibly fast. Another thing. IT'S MY LIFE!" If you thought I was mad before, I am furious now. 

        "Calm down Lilly! I know it's your life and I know you're the one living it but there's more to it than you realize. Just trust me, okay?" 

        " Fine but right now it is just so hard to trust anybody." 

        " I know." 

        That was it. No good byes. No good nights. No I'll see you tomorrow. Nothing. 

        I was getting driven insane by the lack of talking but then again they 'talk with their minds'. I am not a werewolf is what was going through my mind right now. Then I heard Cody yelling at me yes you are and how he heard it loud and clear. "I know. I wanted you to!" I screamed back at him. 

        There they go again mind talking. It's getting ridiculously out of hand how much they do this. I don't understand. I'm too tired to try to wrap my mind around another mystery so I guess I'll doze off now. My vampire instincts got the better of me while I was sleeping. They took over and now I start seeing visions of my lost friends and out of nowhere- my mother. It felt nice to see her face and know she was okay. For now at least. I dreamed up some crazy things that night or at least I hoped I was dreaming that happened. I was a known sleep-walker and with vampire speed I could be anywhere. Uuggh. I have so much fun discovering my skills but when they come to me while I'm sleeping it irritates me almost more than anything. Well I  When I woke up I was still  with the werewoves but I was the last one to wake up. Riley ran pass so fast so the no can see him. He tossed me a working phone that has my real parents number. When I dialed the number and got some hope in return. I started to see my dad but then he vanished in a ring of smoke. I screamed. "What Lilly?' Geez you're a loud  screamer!" Cody said.

        "i'm a girl! Deal with it!" 

        Neil walks over and whispers to Cody "You'll get used to it."

        "Like that's gonna happen." Cody replied.

        "Oh forget it! I'm outta here!" Then Neil storms off. 

        During all the commotion Riley went to the lab to check on Molly"s awesome work. Riley got a big suprise - Molly was missing. He checked the tracking device but got nothing. Molly ended up in the cemetary wandering around and got kidnapped by a fantasy phantom. Or so she thought. When Riley saw no visible or mental signs of Molly he started to panic. He looked everywhere for her- the library, her house, her room, and also the lab. Oh boy an adventure he thought. Molly was knocked out cold in her kidnappers arms. Molly was dragged past so many borders nobody knows where she is, not even the best tracker could find her now. 

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