chapter 2

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       "I'm so happy that you are here and not with those vamp freaks. You will love it here."

        " You mean you were in on this whole plan when I've barely even known you for a day?"

        "We have been looking for you for years and we found you but those vamp freaks took you before I could even talk to you about being a werewolf."

        "I'm confused. How long have you been looking for me and why just me?"

        "You were  born a werewolf and so you need to help you but your family keeps moving so it was hard to find you. Also I was assigned to find you. There are a lot of werewolf out there looking for you so we split up. Does that awser your question?" " Yeah pretty much. But if I was born a werewolf, why are vampires turning me into one of them?"

        "When you are born a werewolf, vampires can't smell the scent and when you are born a vampire, we werewolves can't smell their scent."

         "Thanks so much for helping me understand my situation Cody." I said. 

         "It's my pleasure. Besides, it was fun and there are a lot of werewolves like that. It can be confusing."

         "Ok but where would I sleep?" I've  been wondering that ever since he told me that I am a werewolf. "If I'm staying here becasue I don't really like those vampires." 

         " Don't worry too much about it, Lilly. You'll get used to the ground after a while of  being a canine like the rest of us werewolves." 

         " Are you calling me picky?!" I was absolutely shocked. 

         "No... I was just trying to answer your question.  Us werewolves sleep every night on the ground and it really isn't that bad. Look I'm sorry you thought I was being rude. Can you forgive me?"

         " Maybe. Only maybe."

         "Come on I am telling the truth. We never liked to sleep on beds. It's just the way we are and because then we never want to get up. Sleeping on the makes us get up and plus if we need to run very quickly we can. There are many good things about living on the ground. You're not picky at all. Oh, and two more things we travel in groups. Our group should be back soon and then we all look out at night. For example one person stays up for one hour and then wakes up the next preson and if we were being stalked or if someone gets a bad feeling about where we are, then that person would holler to wake everone and to get help. Got it?"

         "I guess so." Wow he talks way more than me.

         "Oh by the way I can read minds so I heard that."

        "Oh come on give me a break." 

        " Nope its fun messing with you!!!"

        20 minutes past and it was dead silient and the rest of the group finally showed up and we started to walk.I had no idea where i was getting led but my wolf friend seemed to know the trail well. I really wish I had some notice before getting scooped up by Molly and Riley. I would've at least grabbed my rotten old phone. It would've helped at least a little, because even though I don't know their numbers, I could have called my mom. I was pretty sure she'd be anxious because I haven't come home from school for the second day in a row. When we were walking and looking around I saw somethign shine in the ground. I picked it up and it was my phone!!! When everyone went to sleep I got up to call my mom but my phone was dead. I started to run but the fosest was a never ending place. I finally got to a road. So I started to follow it. I heard something in the background and so I started to run faster. I was getting used to the fast paced werewolves but this sounded nothing like them. Then the sound became louder and all around me. Someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. The next thing I know I was tied up in a basement that was cold and damp. It was the worst place I've ever been. It was freezing cold and starting to snow outside. The unfamiliar basement was the last place I wanted to be. I really wanted to back with my mom and annoying brothers. I wanted to wake up and realize that it was just a horrible dream. My phone, being dead was no use to me for calls or entertainment. I figured it was going to be a long night so drifted off to sleep. I was restless all night though. Apparently my life was one trap after the next. " Cody? Molly? Riley? Anybody...?" I tried just to get a response from any but it was complete silence. I was so alone. The next thing I knew is I was getting grabbed by sombody I've never met." Let me go!" I shrieked. I was ignored and suddenly I felt so small. My kidnapper was so big compared to me. Well what... he had the power to do what he wanted to me.

        I couldn't get him off of me but yet I didn't want to resist him. He was like my Edward. Finally I lost control of myself. I couldn't take the silence any longer. " Hey what's your name?"

         "I go to your school. Don't you remember me Liz? I'm Neil."                        

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