chapter 5

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        While I was going to my real mom and dad I had werewolves all around me. I felt a quick grab on my arm and then I was getting pulled by Riley. "What do you want? They are probably trying to find me right now."

        "I can't find Molly and I looked everywhere. I tried to track her though my mind but it is not coming though. Can you please help me?" Riley asked.


        "She is not that smart and now she can be anywhere. The reason why I can't find her is because she is uncontious I think. Being a werewolf you can do some things that I'll never know how to do." 


         "Lilly I don't know OK? I don't have time for this just help me find Molly." That conversation went well.

        I don't know about all of you but I'm starving! Oh I would do just about anything I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten in forever and food is all I can think about right now. I really hope you aren't bored of me yet. Good. I'm so glad your not. Although I guess you wouldn't have made it this far if you were bored.Well anyways I've got alot more to tell you about my crazy life.

        "Lilly! Come here NOW and tell me what's going on!" someone unfamiliar screeched behind me. 

        "Angel calm down. Don't scare her." I heard Riley say. "Lilly, meet Angel. Angel, as you know, this is Lilly." Riley calmly introduced us and walked away.

        "How does everyone know me but I dont know them?" I asked. "Good question," Angel answered me politely. "We talk with our minds and we can transmit pictures through our minds too."        "Thanks Angel." 

        "Sure thing Lilly. Now lets find Molly fast!!!"

        "OK but where should we look first? Oh and try to not go by the path to the kingdom of werewolves."

         "Why not?" 

         "It's dangerous and I'm not always going to be there to protect you."

         "Well you're no fun."

         "I know." Then Angel turned around and started to walk away.

         "Angel! Wait, stay with me please." I pleaded.

         "Fine, fine but you owe me."

         "With what? I have nothing. I'm just a  werewolf that is also a vampire."

         "Hey I got an idea! You should stop complaining." Angel told me in a weird voice."Why do I even try anymore? And just by the way: I'm not the one complaining!"

         "You should stop complaining." I said mocking her.

         "That does it! I'm not going to hide who I really am."

         "Sure sure do what you want I am not afraid of you!" I scream as she storms off.

        "That's just great! I'm all alone when I should be on my way to the Kingdom of the Werewolves to meet my real parents." I felt like crying again. That's when some guards came rushing to me.

        "Your majesty we need to go. Your parents are waiting."

        "Fine. But I don't want to walk anymore. I am a princess after all."

        "Great." One guard said and he rolled his eyes.

        "You sound happy about that." After about an hour of silence it was getting dark.

        "Well it's getting dark so I guess we could go to bed. We would be at the castle of someone who would walk."

         " I hope you're talking about yourself" After everybody was asleep, I got up and was looking for Riley because I would hate to be with Angel. "Riley where are you, Riley," I whispered so I would not wake up the guards.

        It was so dark and I had no lights available to me. I accidentally tripped over a guard's leg and fell on my face. I guess I should probably mention that I am very clumsy and darkness doesn't help me one bit. "Where do you think you're going miss princess?" the guard snapped at me. 

        " Nowhere. Just trying to find the bathrooms." I said as sweetly as I could manage for it being around one in the morning.

        "You should know  there is one in your room. Now go before I wolf up on you." 

         " No need to be rude." I said. But his threat did the job and I ran as fast as I could (which wasn't very fast 'cause it was still dark) back to my room. I was going to call Riley on the cell phone he gave to me but then I remembered it was his. I was going to call Molly but then I remendered that someone kidnapped her so that would not help. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try though. I dialed the number and got Molly's voicemail so I hung up. I looked up some of the numbers on the phone but I did not recognize them. But I decided to call one. The name was Shaun. It turns out that Shaun is Riley's best friend that knew nothing about Molly except for all the funny stories about her. "Thanks for your help Shaun." then I hung up. I was too tired by that point to do much of anything so I fell asleep again. When I got up it was silent and and nice but then I notice I was in the forest and not by the guards. "I must been sleep walking. But if I was than the guards would of stopped me." I said talking to myself.

        "Well they would of if you were sleep walking but I carried you out here so we can talk." Angel told me. 

        "Why did you say we?"

        "Because look around there are vampires all around here and we need you to help find Molly fast because if we dont there are things that are going to be lost forever and only she knows. If a vampire stays on the werewolves side too long they start to lose their mind."

        "OK OK I will help you but this side is so big and just an idea keep your explanations shorter! By the way I don't understand how to help you. I'm too new to this."

        "Fine but when you dont have enough information don't blame me."

        "I won't! I will find someone who gets what I want for me!"

        "This is why I don't like you that much. But I have to trust you because you can be on both sides as long as you want. And you're smaller than me so they won't find out that you're the one going for information."

        " When i agreed to help I did not sign up for that. Do you want me to get killed!"

        "If you're volunteering, I'd love that."

        " Angel I'm being serious. This is not a time for jokes."

        "Lilly. I'm not joking."

        Now I'm mad. I took a walk for about five minutes but it wasn't helping. I could feel a certain someone's presence behind me. I turned around but my mind had been playing tricks on me. Nobody was there. Then I saw a flash of light above me. I waited a few minutes and it flashed again. Angel was up in the tree when I looked.

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