Chapter 24 - Wolfnapped

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"Do you have to go?" I asked.

"You know I do. If it was up to me I would stay here with you, but I am the Alpha and I have to handle business." Brandon said, packing his bag.

"But Michigan is so far away. Who's going to take care of your pack?"

"You are. That's why you are the Luna, babe."

"Your pack hates me." I sighed, laying my head back against the headboard. "Please don't leave me. Why can't you leave Aaron and take me?"

"They don't hate you, you know that. Plus, its a guy's weekend." He looked at me and crawled onto the bed. He pulled my legs, so I was laying on my back and he was in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes. "Its only three days. It will go by quickly, I promise." He kissed me softly on the lips.

"I don't want you to go. I'll miss you too much." I pouted. "But I understand. You two need to keep your bromance alive and Alicia and I need a break from you two idiots." I giggled. He started tickling me. I laughed out loud.

"Apologize!" He demanded.

"Never!" I exclaimed with a laugh. He chuckled and continued until I was gasping for air. "Okay, okay. You win. I'm sorry." He smiled.

"I always get my way." He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. We just laid like that, him on top of me, taking in my scent. The bedroom door flew open and there stood Aaron and Alicia. Brandon looked at them.

"Don't you two know how to knock?" He questioned, not moving his head. I giggled.

"Brandon, we gotta go." Aaron told him. Those awful words that I knew were coming. Brandon sighed and lifted his head. He looked down at me and kissed me. I kissed him back, holding him close to me. When he pulled away, he smiled.

"Its only for a little bit." I nodded and he kissed my nose. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, with a sad smile. I know, I'm supposed to be punishing him for what he said and did, but he's my weakness. He got up, leaving me feeling empty on the bed. He grabbed his suitcase and looked at our friends, who stood in the doorway engaging in a heated make-out session. "Alicia." I groaned. She pulled away from Aaron, reluctantly. We both walked the boys to the door and said our goodbyes. Once they were out of sight, I felt like half of me was missing, even though that was exactly what happened. "We need a puppy for things like this." I said to my best friend. She nodded in agreement. I sighed and made my way back into Brandon's room. I laid back in the bed and glared at the ceiling. I really didn't want Brandon to leave. Alicia walked in the room. I looked at her.

"Mall?" She questioned.

"Oh my God, yes!" I exclaimed and got up. I changed into a simple 'I love New York' t- shirt and some shorts. I slipped on my red toms and threw my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my car keys. We walked out of the room. I ran into Ashley.

"Watch were your going." She glared at me.

"Sorry." I apologized. I could have easily told her to fucking kill herself, but I've come to the conclusion that fighting with her will not resolve anything. She brushed pass me with a surprised look. I remembered what Brandon said about making an effort with her. I sighed and turned around. "Ashley." I called out to her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alicia whispered to me. I ignored her as Ashley turned to face me.

"We are going to the mall to distract ourselves. Would you like to join us?" I asked. Her eyes widened.

"Is this a joke?" She questioned.

"No joke, I just want to bury the hatchet. Fighting and arguing constantly will not change anything." I stated. She stared at Alicia and I for a long while.

"Let me go get ready." She said and turned her back and walked into her room. I smiled, feeling accomplished. Alicia gripped my shoulder and turned me towards her.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"Me, being the bigger person in the situation. Obviously, Brandon is not going to chose her over me and I honestly see the point in fighting with her anymore. I get along with every single pack member here except her. This is starting to get ridiculous. I'm trying to make and effort with this girl."

"Okay, but don't expect me to do the same."

"Alicia," I stared at her with a warning look.

"You're so fucking lucky that we are besties." She sighed. "Fine, I'll give her a chance." I smiled.

"Thank you." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She scrunched her nose.

"Gross." She giggled. After a while, Ashley came out in a dress and curled hair. We all got into the car and drove silently drove to the mall. When we pulled up, I quickly found a parking spot and we all got out. We entered the mall and looked around.

"So, Ashley, tell us about yourself." I said, trying to start conversation.

"There's nothing to tell." She said simply. I sighed and stopped walking. I grabbed her wrists and let Alicia walk ahead of us.

"Look, I know this is the last thing you would want to be doing, but I'm trying. I know you have some sort of feelings, but you had to know this was coming. You both knew you weren't mates when you had started. You had to know it would be a matter of time before he and I found each other." I let her go. "I just don't see the point of you hating me, when this whole mating thing is completely out of my control. I can't make you stop feeling the way you do and however you feel is none of my business, but it seems to me that we both share one common factor, Brandon. We should at least try for his sake."

"Its nothing against you Christine,-" She started, but I cut her off.

"Christie, call me Christie."

"Christie, but its kind of weird being around you knowing that I used to sleep with your mate on a nightly basis." She said.

"I can look past all of that if you can." I replied.

"Okay, I'll try." I smiled and we caught up with Alicia. We walked around the mall, trying on clothes and having a ball. By the time we returned, the house was quiet and I was exhausted. I walked into the room and fell back onto the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. All of a sudden, someone grabbed my ankle and yanked me off the bed. I fell onto the floor and winced. I felt a sharp pain in my head. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I looked up to see five men with ski masks on. I growled and jumped up. One lunged at me, I gripped his throat and slammed his body to the ground. Another one tried to sneak up on me, while I pounded my fists into the first guys face. I turned just in time and kicked him in the gut. He flew back into the wall. The third one grabbed my ankle and slammed me into the wall close by. I winced. I sat against the wall, the room spinning, everything got really blurry. I looked down at my arm to see a syringe in my arm.

"Don't forget what Alpha Tony said. We need her alive." Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.


Hey! I know most of you have noticed that I have changed the person to play Brandon. I felt Liam Hemsworth fit the part a lot better than Thomas Fiss. Sorry all you Fiss fans! Don't hate me. Anyway, I hope you all like the chapter. Leave tons of feedback. I love reading your comments and opinions. At the end of the day, it makes me a better writer!

~ Bianca ^_^

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