Chapter 30 TEASER - I Love You

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A Few Weeks Later

"Mom, why are we even having this party, right now?" I groaned as I helped my mother redecorate the back yard.

"Because your sister is having her baby soon and she hasn't received a proper baby shower." My mother spoke. Just hearing the word baby made my stomach churn. My mother all of a sudden came up with the perfect idea to throw Mandy a baby shower in a few hours. She looked at me knowingly. "You haven't told Brandon yet, I assume."

"No, I don't know how."

"You better think fast before your father finds him."

"You told dad!" I almost screamed.

"Yes, he deserves to know what's going on with his daughter."

"Mom, you promised you wouldn't."

"No, I promised to hold my tongue until you told Brandon, which I thought you already did. It's been two weeks, Chris. You can't just keep this from him or Brandon." I sighed. I knew she was right.

"I'll tell him soon, Mom." I lied. My mom and I finished up in the back and she went to the store while I went up to my room to finish up some homework. I sat on my bed with my back to the door and grabbed my iPod. I plugged in my headphones and clicked the shuffle button. I started on my work. I was in the zone until I caught movement in the corner of my eye. I looked up to see my sister staring at me, curiously. I sighed and paused the music in my ears. I took in her appearance. Her red hair looked dull, but she had a sort of glow to her. Her stomach had grown a lot. I resisted looking down at my stomach. She studied me. "Mandy, stop staring at me like that."

"This wasn't supposed to happen, not to you." I bit my lip. Looks like mom told Amanda too. "You are the good child, the careful kid. How could to be so irresponsible?"

"I didn't mean for this to happen, Mandy. It just," I paused. "Sorta did." I looked at my hands.

"He has the right to know."

"I know that. I'm going to tell him, eventually." She sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry. It's just your my baby sis. I would have never expected this from you. When dad told me, he sounded so disappointed."

"Dad told you?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded. I frowned and looked at the bed spread, tracing my finger on the designs. "I didn't mean to make dad disappointed in me. I didn't even mean to get pregnant. I don't know. We were being irresponsible and my lust clouded over my reason. I don't blame anyone but myself. I should have pushed the use of condoms and birth control." I looked up behind her to see her staring behind me with wide eyes. I turned to see Brandon standing in the doorway, a shocked look on his face, which quickly turned into a glare. He dropped the gift in his hands and walked away. I rushed to my feet and ran after him. "Brandon wait!" I called to him as I chased him through the front door and to his car. He turned to me, his eyes filled with rage.

"Wait, for what?!" he growled.

"Please, let me explain." Tears filled my eyes.

"How long have you known?" he asked with a blank face his breath was rapid.

"Two weeks." I whispered. He shook his head.

"How the fuck can you keep something like this away from me?!" He yelled in my face. "Ya know what, don't answer that." He turned to walk away and I grabbed his arm.

"Please, give me a chance to explain." I whispered. He snatched away from me.

"Tell it to someone who cares." He got into his car and drove off. My tears spilled over and I cried softly into my hands. I felt a pair of arms pick me up and carry me inside. I didn't know who is was, my senses completely clouded, but I wrapped my arms around their neck and cried into their shirt. I was soon laid on something soft and immediately curled into a ball. The person sighed and left the room, silently closing the door behind them. I cried myself into a deep slumber.

Brandon's Point of View

I can't believe she would keep something like this from me. I got into my car and drove to the only place I could think of. I didn't wanna be around anyone right now. "Fuck!" I screamed as I parked the car and hit the steering wheel. How can she do this? I asked myself over and over.

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