The stap

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Shin was in class. He looked up and raised his hand. He asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher said yes. Shin got up and walked into the bathroom. Shin went into the open stall and started to cry.

   Shin heared someone come into the bathroom. Shin picked out of the stall and saw A girl covered in blood with okas dead body. Shin almost screamed. He locked the door and sat on the tolite with his feet up. He was listening until she left. He got out of the bathroom and ran to the class.

    He sat back down. Shin just started down. He couldn't focus on his work. He thought of telling the teacher but she probably cleaned up the body by now. Shin looked down and notice that he stepped in the blood. N-no I'll get arrested...they'll think it was me! shin just sat there nervous as freak. Then it was lunch Time.

    Everyone went out of the class as he just sat there. He noticed the girl who killed oka stepped in. He jerked a little. "You saw didn't you?" She said. Shin opened his eyes wildly. The girl was going in a motion that she was going to stap Shin. Shin screamed. The girl cutted his throut a lot so he would fall down. Budo, Saki, Kakona and Yui saw her hurting Shin. They all ran and pinned her down.

   The teacher ran in and saw and then called the cops and ambulance. Shin had his hand out. Budo saw his hand and reached to it but still had Yandere-chan. Budo hold Shins hand. "It's ok. Stay in there. I'll be there I promise." Budo said.
   At the hospital

    Shin was laying down. He was pass out. After a while he woke up. He saw that he was at the hospital. He looked around and notice that budo was outside. Shin stood up and walked to him. "Budo..." He said.

   Budo looked up and hugged him. "SHIN! YOUR ALRIGHT!!" Budo shouted crying his heart out. Shin hugged back. "I am...but...oka...she's dead right..? "Shin said in a soft voice. Budo nodded. Shin looked up and stared to cry.

His senpai BudoWhere stories live. Discover now