Bad luck.

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Shin was ticked off at Musume. but Shin wouldn't let that get onto the way of his feelings for budo. Budo smiled as Shin walked over. "You came!" Budo said happily. Shin nodded.
Budo looked at Shin and wander what was wrong with him. Shin sat down at the table and just looked at the drinks. Budo sat down right beside Shin and looked at him. "So.. what's up?your acting know uh Strange" Budo mumbled.

Shin looked at him. "It's Nothing Ok!?'' Shin snapped off. Budo got shocked. "Shin! Don't yell at me! I was just worried!" Budo whispered yelled. Shin looked at Budo and teared up. "I'm scared ok!? I bumped into musume and she threatened me! There you know! Happy!?" Shin cried.

   Kakona heared budo and Shin talking. She walked over to them. "Musume huh? Don't get scared she just says that stuff to scare inicent people like you Shin." Kakona said. Shin looked at Kakona and nodded. "Ok thank you Kakona." Kakona smiled and left.

~end of chapter~

His senpai BudoWhere stories live. Discover now