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Thankfully Chicklet woke me up just a little before 6...because I was totally passed out...and would have slept too long...I rushed up and got dressed...then raced into Johnny's room...but I simply dressed him while he was asleep...and loaded him into the car where his little booster seat was...but just as I was hopping in and preparing to leave...I smacked my head because I forgot the paperwork from his Australian doctors...and I forgot Cuppie...and without him...my lil man would be one very unhappy camper...and would refuse to take any of his medications...so I raced thru the house and grabbed his bunny from the bed...then the paperwork that I filled out on my nightstand along with the old files from his other doctors...and hopped back into the car and told myself humorously...for me to try it again.

For I knew it was going to be a 7-hour drive...for me...so I needed to get going...the first few hours was very dull and boring because I didn't want to wake my little man with the noise of the stereo...so I just listened to my brain rattle...until he woke up smiling at me from the back seat...then I turned on the radio on low...so I could still hear Johnny if he wanted or needed anything. Which wasn't long before he was doing his little squirming dance...saying he needed to go potty...I gave him a little snicker and told him that we would be at a filling station in a minute.

I quickly pulled into the station and removed him from his seat...and rushed him into the bathroom...he was already potty broken...but when he had to go he had to go...but fortunately we made it and his big boy pull-ups were still dry...after he did his business I praised him for being such a good boy...as I helped him with his button. Then I went out and filled the tank, and let him pick out what he wanted to snack on...and a little juicebox to drink on until we made it to our destination...which was still two and a half hours away. After Johnny ate and drank...he decided to color with his pencils in his mickey mouse coloring book...but fell asleep before he finished it...and I was once again driving in silence...but I did manage to have a few phone calls from my family in between times...which made the journey end more quickly...because just as soon as I got off the phone with my mommy...I found myself magically in the parking lot of the Reno Special Care Clinic.

I hopped out and gave a long stretch from the very boring drive...and checked the time...and realized that I was still half an hour early...which for was awesome in my opinion...I spun into a silly dance and opened the back door to see my son giggling at me...even though he was still half asleep. I lifted him out and headed for the doors with the papers in my hand...but he gave a slight whimper and pulled away a little and I stopped dead in my tracks and told him I was sorry...then I walked backward to the car and let him reach in for his Cuppie...then I asked him if we were ready to go in...he shook his head yes and gave me a thumbs up...I chuckled at him and kissed him and we danced to the front door...trying to keep him in good spirits...knowing that as soon as he went in and saw the doctors...he would know what was coming next...then he'd start crying...and wanting to run away...because my lil man was afraid and hated needles...but then again what little kid didn't...I know when I was little I would look at blood or a needle and I'd pass out cold...and that was no bullshit.

But this trip was just a consultation...or so I thought...right when I went into the office...one of the nurses said that Doctor Collins was expecting me...and was in room #302...then she had one of the other nurses show me the way...as soon as I walked into the room...Johnny began to cry a little bit...but I rocked him back and forth and told him it was going to be fine. Dr. Collins came over to me and asked for the paperwork...I handed him the entire folder, and told him that my ex-wife had it in order...he looked thru it thoroughly...then he gave a deep sigh...and said welcome to the Reno Clinic...then he shook my hand and said he would gladly accept my little boy as his patient. I gave him a smile of relief...and thanked him so much...but as I was getting ready to leave...he read the last treatment Johnny had...and told me that he had a treatment due...and would like to give him a checkup right now if it wasn't too much trouble.

I sat back down with Johnny in my lap and told him that it was no trouble at all...that it was better to be safe than extremely sorry later, Dr. Collins approached Johnny and he whined and hid his head under my jacket...I gave him a little rub and told him that I was right there and that the nice Dr. wasn't going to hurt him...he just wanted to give him a little checkup...he looked up at me with those huge sad puppy eyes that he had...and said no needle. Dr. Collins sat down beside the chair and held out his hands and said he wouldn't give him no needles...Johnny sat up and said ok...I stood up and sat Johnny on the table as the Dr. gave him a complete physical...the Dr. finished he told me that so far everything seemed to be perfect...but his next visit would have to be his treatment...I shook his hand and asked him what day I needed to bring him back...Dr. Collins looked at the last treatment he had in Australia and told me tomorrow.

I dropped my head on the table...and banged it a few times...and asked him if it would damage Johnny if he had it today...because it was a seven-hour drive for me to get here...Dr. Collins said it wouldn't hurt him at all...except for the fact, that we had both promised him no needles today...I looked over at my lil man and when I knelt down...and he saw the Dr getting a needle out of the cabinet my son gave a loud squeak and ran out of the room...I tried to catch him...but he was just a little bit quicker that time...I slid out the doors and ran down the halls looking in every room for him...and asking anyone that came along if they saw a little boy carrying a stuffed bunny.

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