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Klayton called Kim and told her that he was on his way post haste...and told her to tell the Dr. and Rachel that he had a heart for his sister...and to get the operating table ready...and to get Kc prepped so they could save her life...then he quickly hung up and put his pedal to the metal...hoping like hell he didn't total his new girlfriends car...but he didn't worry too much...he'd just get her a new one...plus for as much as Rachel loved Kc too...she wouldn't mind trading her car for saving Kc's life. Klayton finally made it to the clinic...and ran thru the doors with the heart in the certified organ cooler...but as he handed it to Dr. Collins...Rachel came out in massive tears and said it was too late...they lost her again.

Klayton pulled the doctor into the room where Kc was lying in the bed and pulled out the gun and ordered him to save her...and that he wasn't playing any more games by their rules...put the new heart in her and save her!! Or there would be more than just his sisters dead body in this room!!...because he didn't go thru all this shit...just to lose his baby sister now!!...Criss was holding onto his son...trying to get Klayton to calm down...because he was scaring Johnny. Klayton went over to Criss and said he was doing this for his family...then he kissed Johnny and pulled him up into his arms and told him that he was quite sane...but he just wasn't playing any more games...that he was going to save his mommy...and she was going to live for him and for me...because there was just too many people that needed and loved her...to give up on her now.

Klayton was beyond tears or mass hysteria...he was pissed...and he let all of us know it. Dr. Collins told Rachel to take Kc's body into the surgery room...and get her prepped...and try to get her back with the shocking paddles again...for as long as she had a slight pulse...they could operate...Rachel looked at Klayton but he smiled at her to let her know he wasn't being dangerous...he was just getting his point made...as soon as they agreed to try to save her again...Klayton cooled down and put the gun away...then gave me and Johnny a hug and said she was going to be ok.

Dr. Collins went over to Klayton and told him that he was going to get into trouble later after the surgery was over...for threatening them with a gun...Klayton blew raspberries at him and told him to get his intelligent ass in there and do what he did best...saving lives...and leave the threatening to him...because he just didn't have the intimidation behind it...to make it work right.

After Dr. Collins had all the nurses he needed in there with him...and Rachel barely got another weak pulse from Kc...they immediately started the surgery...after hooking her up to the machines so they would have a better chance at keeping her alive during the 7-hour surgery. After the initial excitement was over with for now...and next came the hardest part...the unknown waiting...Criss sat his son down in the chair...and pulled Klayton out of the room and into Dr. Collins office and shut the door behind him...and spun around to face his old friend...and asked him what in the hell was wrong with him!! Pulling a damn gun on people...with his little nephew and myself in that room!!

Klayton pulled out the gun and handed it to me...and showed me with a cynical grin that it was merely a paintball gun. I slapped the shit out of him and told him he was a real jackass. He grinned at me and said it worked though...just like a charm. I looked at him and told him they were going to send his ass to jail for that little stunt he pulled in the room...Klayton shrugged his shoulders and said it was worth it...because he would have gone clear up to dying for his sister...if he had too...then he looked right at me...and said I would have done the same thing...and if I told him I wouldn't have...I would be lying like a dog...I told him with a sigh that he was probably right...but I would have never scared my son like that.

Then I changed the subject and asked him where in the hell did he ever find the right heart for her...Klayton closed his eyes and told me that he had many connections on every level of society...and that he just got lucky. I grabbed him and told him that no one was that lucky...because I knew for a fact how rare Kc's heart was...due to the blood type...and pulled him very close to me and looked deeply into his eyes and asked him again how did he get the heart. Klayton pulled off his sunglasses and said he got it thru a private run-in with the black market...and that it cost a lot of money...but it was worth it. I took a few steps away from my old friend that I thought I knew everything about...I looked at him and said I thought he got out of the shit a long time ago...Klayton without looking at me told me that due to sudden emergencies he pushed himself back into it.

I let Stoney know that I didn't like how he did it...and then I told myself I didn't want to really know where and how the heart came into his possession...all I wanted was for Kc to survive the surgery...and come back to me. Klayton gave me a hug and promised me that the heart was a legal one...that the seller was a legal donor that sold organs to hospitals nationwide...but it was just that with such a rare heart...he knew selling it on the black market would get a better sellout than just merely giving it to a hospital. I shook my head in agreement then headed with him back into the room where Johnny was being held tightly by Kim...Klayton went over to both of them and apologized for his crazy ass explosion...but he was not for one second dangerous to them...or the least bit insane. Johnny held out his arms for him to hold him.

Then we all sat down and waited...Mama D and my brothers came up to sit with us all for the extra support...Sully and Sandy made it from a full day of solid traveling...and we all sat around together waiting for any news on how she was doing in the surgery. 4 hours went by and still no news...I stood up and walked over to the emergency room doors and slowly slid in unnoticed...and looked in on the surgery...Rachel saw me...and let another nurse take her place as she came out...and told me that Kc died several times on the table...but each time she was revived...and so far the surgery was going very well...the old heart was out...and they were putting in the new one now...then she told me to go back out...as she went back in to further assist them.

I told them all the news...then sat down and waited til the end. Most of us were asleep in the waiting room except for Klayton and I...we were wide awake and staring at the doors...suddenly Rachel burst thru them and told us all with a smile...that Kc was going to live!! That the heart transplant was successful...and it was working like a top...but she added that she would be in and out for the next few weeks. I jumped in Klaytons arms and gave him a big kiss...and told him that he did it!...Klayton gave a sigh and said nah...Kc did it...with her will to live...he just simply kept the doors forcefully opened for her to walk thru.

Three months later...I was walking Kc out of the hospital...without tubes or tanks...with Johnny tucked in her arms...with Klayton wrapped around his new love, Rachel...and Sully and Sandy right behind us...and Kim with her boyfriend Mario...when we all made it to the parking lot...we said our goodbyes...and parted ways...Johnny was put in his booster seat...but before I helped Kc in...she stopped me and asked me how I ever managed to fall in love with her...a dying patient...I gave her a smile as I wrapped her in my arms...and simply told her...that love came to me softly when I least expected it... but now that we had each other...I was never going to let her go...and for the first time in her life...I took her to Serenity...and told her Welcome home. Where she, Johnny and I lived happily ever after. ~*BELIEVE!*~

                                              ~*THE END*~

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