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As I held her very close to me and heard everyone in the room congratulating us both...it was the most emotional moment of my life...but deep down I couldn't stop thinking about the ultimate outcome...and the knowledge that I was going to lose her in the end...and it was tearing me up on the inside...to where I almost couldn't keep it in. Klayton grabbed me and gave me a loving hug...and told me not to think about nothing else but the now...and don't wait for the bad to happen...then he kissed me on the forehead...and told me that he was going to take his nephew out...so me and my bride could spend our first night together.

Everyone left the room and it was just me and Kc sitting in the chair together...looking into each other's eyes...holding our magnetized bunnies that we got from our son and brother for our wedding gift. I watched as the magnets drew them together into a loving kiss...I looked at Kc and told her they had the right idea going on...then I pulled her gently into my embrace...and kissed her very lovingly and deeply...I never wanted that moment to end. Klayton was at a local Chuck E Cheeses...playing in the ball room with Johnny when his phone rang and he swam out of the room and told Johnny to stay there and play until he got off the phone.

Klayton answered his phone and asked what was going down in shaky town...Ratt told him very ecstatically that his long and grueling search paid off...that he found a heart...but it was going to cost a whole lot of money to get...because there were four other people wanting it too...Klayton told him to patch him to the seller. After Klayton got a hold thru to the seller, he told him what his top dollar that he wanted for it...that money wasn't an object to him. The seller decided to throw him an outrageous number just to see if he was on the level or is bogus about his accusation. The seller said 2.7 million...Klayton listened to the sound of the other offers in the background and the highest he heard was 1.3 million...Klayton decided to dicker a little bit...just to show the seller that he was in the business and not too desperate. Klayton said 1.5 million...after several hours...Klayton finally agreed on 2.2 million...but Klayton told him that if he wanted the money he had to deliver it...and it had to be in excellent condition. 

The seller agreed to the terms and Klayton sent him the address to where he wanted it delivered...but from where it was it was going to take a minimum of three days to get there...and he would have one of his personal couriers deliver it...Klayton agreed to it and said he would have the cash at hand as soon as the heart was in his possession...then they both hung up and Klayton did a wild jump/dance to the ball room and played wildly with his nephew...because he was excited and couldn't wait to tell Criss and Kc the awesome news. That he might have found a way to save his sister. But he had to keep himself under control until tomorrow...so Kc and I could have our wedding night alone.

I was now laying in the bed next to Kc...just listening to the sound of her heart beating lightly...and her slight breathing touching my face...I closed my eyes and held her tightly...wishing I could do so much more with her...but I wouldn't allow it...because it was too risky...even though she wanted to be with me...but I did meet her halfway. I removed my shirt and jeans and lay with her under the same blanket and gently caressed her all over...then we just laid there and held each other...until we went to sleep...but I kept one eye and ear open for her all night...just in case something bad happened so I could get Rachel or her father in there asap...but luckily it was a very loving and calm night for us both...I did wake up in the middle of the night...and placed her oxygen tube on for her because she was having some difficulties breathing.

I held her close to my heart...and told her just to stay calm and let the oxygen come to her...and not to fight for it...that way she wouldn't get too worked up and do more damage than good...after I got her calmed down and breathing right...she kissed me and laid back down on my chest and told me that she loved me so much...and that she was happy that Johnny and I met her...becuase we made her life perfect...by bringing her brother back to her...and giving her a reason to fight for her life again...I told her while trying to hide my tears from her that she had loving and strong people fighting with her on this one...and that we would win it together...then I laid down gently beside her and kissed her all up and down her face...then on the tip of her nose...then snuggled up with her and went to sleep.

Klayton was now carrying his sleeping nephew...back into the clinic, but he didn't bother us in the room...he went over to where Rachel was just clocking out...and asked her if she wouldn't mind taking a poor little boy and his crazy ass uncle in for the rest of the night...so he wouldn't ruin the newlyweds first night together...Rachel smiled at him... and told him she'd love to take them home with her...Klayton carried Johnny to her car, and they both hopped in as she drove three blocks away from the clinic...and showed him to her condo. Rachel unlocked the doors...and showed him to her guest room. Klayton gently laid Johnny down in the bed then crashed beside him and thanked her for everything...Rachel gave him a smile and told him that he was a very rare and awesome kinda guy...then she went to her room and turned out the lights...Klayton laid there for a moment, then took that as a slight hint...and got up and slowly went into her room...and crawled in her bed behind her...and asked her if that was a hint for him to follow her...she rolled around and said not really...but beens he did...he might as well stay...then she playfully rolled on him as they both giggled a little and turned out the bedroom light.

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