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As Kc and were sound asleep, Klayton was on the road to his ancient past...that he thought he left for good...but it was the only chance he had...to save his sister...he drove to an old wharf by the river that led to the open sea...it was a very dark and unsafe place to be...if you didn't know your way around...Klayton slowly parked the car and flashed his lights three times before he jumped out...to join up with three very dark and shady characters...Klayton slowly removed his sunglasses...and gave a long death stare to them...then he gave them a wicked smile and told them it's been a long time...he shook hands with them and slapped the one called Ratt on the shoulder...and told him I had a little business for them.

The other two were called Skank and Roach...they worked in the black market...below the city...and sadly to say Klayton used to be one of the leaders from the below. Roach jumped up in his lap and asked him where he's been keeping himself for all those years...and that the underworld has missed his crazy ass. Klayton playfully pushed him onto the floor as he said he got tired of hanging with all the slimy losers like them...then he stood up and said back to the business of his visit...he turned to Ratt and said that he needed an opening made in the organ donations...that he was in search of a very rare heart...that would match a very rare blood type...and he needed one right now.

Ratt jumped on his supercharged computer...and began typing in the information Klayton gave him...but when Klayton told him that the blood type was AB Negative...Ratt stopped and looked at him very insecurely...and told him that it was more than very rare...looking for a needle in a haystack would be easier...than finding a heart donor with that blood type...Klayton grabbed Ratt as he was spinning around in his chair...and squeezed his throat...and said it was not negotiable...then he added a reward for the first one that finds one...and that he didn't care how, or who they got it from...that he would pay any price...but it needed to be found now...Klayton slowly released Ratt from his grasp...and slowly got up to leave...but turned halfway around and said if they didn't find one in time...and his little sister died...he would be back...and shortly after that...they would all be joining her.

Pick and Roach didn't take him too seriously...but Ratt knew all too well that he was dead serious...so he got on it right away. Ratt called all of the connections he had...and posted it thru the black market network...as soon as it was out, he gave Klayton a call and said it was in the works...and that he would keep him posted if anything turned up...Klayton coolly told him he better...then he hung up and headed back to the Clinic. I gave him a call while Kc was still asleep...and asked him where in the hell he was at with my car...Klayton chuckled at me thru the phone as he told me he was blowing off steam and spinning donuts and burning rubber on the main drag. I told him he better not fuck up my car...but he quickly changed the subject and said he had a little business to take care of...and that he was pulling up in the parking lot right now.

Klayton walked into the room, and very quietly sat down in the chair beside Kc's bed and asked me how she was doing...I told him that she had a couple of siezuratic episodes while he was gone...but they weren't bad ones...then I told him what she asked me to do for her...he looked at me with those wild eyes...getting ready to kick my ass...but I told him I didn't do it...because I was too afraid to...he looked at me coolly and said I better be too scared to do that with his sister...I slapped him and told him I wasn't afraid of his ass...I was afraid I would hurt her...or do more damage than good. Johnny woke up laying in Kc's arms and quickly said a little panicky...that mommy chokey.

Klayton and I both were by her side instantly...we both gently lifted her up from the laying position...and tried to keep her head elevated...Klayton smashed the panic button for the nurses and doctors to get in there...Rachel was the first one to rush into the room followed by two other nurses and Dr. Collins...Klayton and I both were pushed aside and asked us to take the boy and leave the room...because what needed to be done was not for the eyes of a child to see...Klayton grabbed Johnny and left the room I was still holding onto her hand...and refused to move...Dr. Collins told them I could stay...Rachel went over to her father and handed him a huge needle attached to a very large and thick syringe...and punctured the needle tip into her chest and into her heart...then he slowly began to suck the fluid out from the sac of her heart...I closed my eyes but kept a tight hold on her hand...I needed her to know that I was still there for her.

after three tubes of fluid...the rattling, choking sounds she was making went away and her face began to turn back to its normal color...Dr. Collins told everyone that they did a great job...and that she was going to be alright now...then he left Rachel to hook her IV's back up to her...and her oxygen tubes so she could have some help breathing for a while...because after that scare it left her too weak to breathe for herself...after Rachel finished up...she gave Kc a kiss on the forehead...and told her that she was going to be fine now...and that it was ok for her to rest. Rachel left the room and touched Klayton's face, and told him it was alright for him and his little nephew to go back in now...Klayton thanked her with a warm smile as he just held her hand for a moment...then he took Johnny back in so he could lay with her...so he would calm back down...for after that happened it really scared him...I was still standing there rubbing on her hand as I was holding it...and without opening her eyes...she gave me a slight squeeze back...after Johnny laid back down in her arms...and went back to sleep.

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