This parts written by me you nerds

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Stan stared at the daunting building looming in front of him. "Your brother lives here. You're fine. No need to be scared he's family" Stan muttered to himself. He lamely knocked on the door. No one came for a good 2 minutes. When he was about to leave the door swung open, he was greeted by a crossbow to the face and Ford. But this wasn't the Ford Stan remembered. Ford had dark bags under his eyes that could probably hold groceries, there was dried blood under one of them, only adding to his concern. He looked horrible, insane even. "I can always count on you for a warm welcome" he said, after Ford pulled away the weapon. The inside of fords.. Shack wasn't much better than ford himself. He wondered how long it had been since Ford had spoken to another human. He looked like ma after her tenth cup of coffee, Stan knew something was wrong the moment Ford started talking. He sounded exhausted, and when he shined a light in Stan's eyes, eye gave up on talking. He pulled Ford into a tight hug. Ford looked like he needed hug. Ford went completely stiff, almost like he was hugging a statute..

Ford hadn't expected Stan to hug him, and his sleep deprived brain couldn't really understand why right now. Stan was here. He finally released. Stan was really here. He had asked his brother to come here, to his messy research cabin in the woods, with no warning or anything to protect him from Bill. Just the thought of the dream demon made his eye hurt. But Stan was here. For the first time in over a decade stan was here. Ford had told himself countless times that Lee was selfish, a jerk, and that he didn't need him. But if that were true why did he come? A sob rose in ford's chest, and he was to exhausted to even try to hold it back, he wrapped his arms around Stanley and sobbed. He felt Stanley's grip on him tighten. Stan was here.

Stanley didn't know how to react when ford started sobbing, he had fully expected his brother to push him away or punch him. But now he was sobbing and Stanley felt like they were children again. He wondered what had put Ford in this state. he hugged his twin closer. No matter what it was he would help ford through it. He brought ford over to what looked like it used to be a couch, but was so covered in papers and dirty clothes it was hard to tell. Ford slowly calmed down, and he clung to Stan like he was going to disappear. What had happened to him? He glanced at the scattered papers, and grimaced. Eyes. Uncountable doodles of eyes, scribbled out and redrawn, and a few triangles in what looked like a Mr. Monopoly outfit. The more Stan looked around the more he saw the symbol. What had happened? What did it mean?

Ford was fighting to stay awake, he couldn't let Bill into his mind. Not while Stan was here. He jerked away suddenly, he needed more coffee. He felt heat rising in his cheeks as he realized what just happened. "I um- er-"
"Can it Poindexter. I'm not going to let you attempt to brush this off because you look like you haven't slept in weeks. Now your going to go and sleep-"
"No." Ford yelled, panic evident in his voice. "I can't sleep." he said in a calmer voice. Hoping Stan would just back off the subject. He couldn't sleep. Sleep meant Bill and Bill would hurt Stan and he couldn't let that happen.
"Oh? Mind telling me why?" Stan asked, suddenly inpatient. "Ford.. You look like hell. You need to sleep.." he said again this time calmer.
"Look stan.. I just can't-"
"Why?" he said again.
"Because if i do a demon will possess my body and hurt you and i can't let my stupid mistakes hurt you because-"
"Woah woah woah. Slow down. Possession? Fors that's just in fairy t-" Ford, in all of his sleep deprived glory sent a glare his way that rivaled Ricos. He didn't elaborate, and Stan knew that he wouldn't budge on the matter. "Okay..... Ford i doubt you could hurt me...ive.. Been around the world and-"
"It woudnt be me Stan... It would be him... He would hurt you... Use you agienst me... Destroy the world..  If anything happened to you it would bemyfaultandohgodwhydidibringyouhereillonlymakethingsworseohgod-mmph!" Stan covered Ford's mouth. "Start from the beginning. Tell me whats going on and ill see what i can do to help.."

Stan sighed and shook his head, but when he turned to look at ford he jerked his hand back. Fords eyes were yellow lizardlike slits. A creepy smile played his brothers lips. "Oh Stanley, so gullible. You really think that Stanford cares about you right? What would you say if i told you he only brought you here to tell you to get as far away from him as possible? This meatsack here is trying to destroy the world. And you're playing right into his 6 fingered hands. He is trying to destroy the multiverse and everything in it. Dimensions other than this one, full of people just like your own. You saw how he was sobbing? Acting like he needed you? All an act. Do you really think your brother. The same brother who hasn't contacted you in 10 years would call you here because he needed help? Because he needed you? Over ten years, a tenth of you miserable meat sacks lifespan because  Gullible as always Stanley Pines."
"W-who are you?" Stanley sputtered.
"The names Bill. Bill Cipher. And you're the next idiot this /freak/ is going to use. Are you going to fall for it?"
"What did you do with my brother."
"Nothing. He just fell asleep, the poor thing has been up nearly a week trying to keep me away. Stanford Pines is a fool to think he can destroy the multiverse. Now will you help me save it?"
"Get out of my brother." Stanley growled. Choosing to ignore what he had said about multiversal destruction.
"Why certainly." Time seemed to stretch as the world faded to black and white. Ford lay slumped over on the couch, and a triangle.. The same one from the drawings no less. The thing was bright yellow, and 2D.
"Do we have a deal Stanley Pines?" The thing held out its hand which shone with a blue fire.
"No. We don't. Know leave and don't come back."
"We'll see about that Stanley Pines. We'll see."

The yellow demon left and the world went back to normal, Ford jolted awake breathing heavily. Blood dripped from his eye and pain spiked through his head. Stan stared at him. "Care to explain why a floating Natcho is possessing you?"
Ford stared at him blankly. Before doing something that shocked Stan he laughed. There was no joy in his laugh. It was broken and just sounded wrong. Then he noticed the blood dripping down from his eye. Stan was to shocked to act for a moment, to stunned to do anything. Ford's broken laughter turned into sobs after a while,  Stan tentatively sat down next to him.

His eye only bled more as Ford started sobbing. Stan was never supposed to see Bill. He was never supposed be be in such danger. But now he was. And it was all his fault for bringing him here. Tears of blood dripped down his face. The pounding in his head intensified. He didn't stop sobbing, he didn't even know where to begin to explain. He felt like someone was gouging out his eye will a dull blade. Slowly. Blood dripped down his face and onto his chin. He didn't even care anymore. Stan would never trust him now. Blood dripped onto his trenchcoat. The pain in his head spiked causing ford's hand to fly to his bleeding eye. Nothing ever helped his eye. Heat and cold only made it worse. Medicine didn't help either. Nothing did.

He felt stan's arm wrap around his shoulders. He hissed in pain when Stan tried to pull his hand away from his eye. "Ford let me see."
He shook his head through the sobs. "Sixer.. I can't help you if you don't let me see your eye. I've helped treat gunshots before.. Just let me see your eye." Stan managed to pry ford's hand from his head, Ford's eye was bloodshot, but there was nothing that would warrant bleeding like this. He grimaced wondering what that demon could possibly be doing. "How long has it been bleeding like this? Have you gone to see a doctor?"
Ford didn't answer. He wanted to sleep.. No not want, need. He was going to pass out at this rate. Ford shook his head, finally stopping sobbing. "I need coffee....." Ford finally said.
"That.. Thing said you were trying to destroy the multiverse?"
Ford blanched, his head throbbed and he groaned. "Fucking triangle... That Thing tricked me into building a portal to its realm so it can destroy ours... It wants to destroy our universe.. And.. It was too late when i figured out he was deceiving me.. The portal is built and if i sleep he'll try to activate it andthentheworldwouldend."
"He said you brought me here to help you. And only for that" Ford stiffened. "There's no point in denying it right?" Ford muttered, Stan felt sick at the defeated tone he was using. "I was going to ask you to take my journal and leave.. To.. To get as far away from me as possible and..." Fords breath hitched.. "Im sorry.. Im sorry imsorryimsorryimsorry" Ford apologised endlessly, but Stan wasn't having any of that. "Ford.. You're sleep deprived.. Have a demon possessing you.. And your on your millionth cup of coffee.. Ford do you really think i would just let that fly? Ford look at the state of yourself.. Even if you told me to leave i wouldn't have. I would have stayed right here and made sure you were alright because when you opened that door all i could think was how you looked like you needed help.. And guess what i was right. Now, you're either going to tell me whats going on or go to sleep. Okay?"

Ford nodded. "Thank you..." he muttered "i... Can i get coffee if i'm going to explain this.. Or a drink..."
"You drink Ford?" Stan raised an eyebrow. Ford was silent. "Don't tell me you have taken to drinking.. Ford i know from experience drinking is a horrible coping mechanism...."
"Well when fiddleford left everything went to shit then Bill betrayed me and i couldn't sleep and my eye started bleeding and i saw eye everywhere and why didn't i listen to fiddleford i was so stupid!"
"Fiddleford?" Stan asked. "Bill? As in the triangle?"
Ford stiffened.. "What.. What exactly did he tell you..."
"That you were planning to destroy that world.. Going to use me.. That you were acting when you were crying but that's complete bullshit sixer. I grew up with you that was no act. Called me gullible and you a freak.. That's about it.. Now about this fiddleford guy-"
"I'm not using you!" Ford nearly yelled. "I just.. I just.." Ford felt tears threatening to fall. Stanley squeezed his shoulder.
"Hey now... I never meant.."
"I'm not planning on destroying the world either..."
"Why don't we just disassemble the portal..?" Stan said. Ford stiffened, mouth open. He looked like an owl. "Ford.. Don't tell me you didn't think of that.."

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