I did now write this. Sketchybro did

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The next few days were.. interesting. Ford finally got some sleep, but his mind seemed to have changed. Small noises and bumps would send him on edge, even grabbing his crossbow a few times. Stan tried to keep up with his erratic behavior, but Stanford always seemed one step ahead.

On the second day, Ford even forgot that Stan was his brother. He kept yelling at him to tell him why he was there, scaring Stan nearly to death. He ended up having to knock him out with some weird fish-lizard. He wasn't quite sure how the poor little guy was doing. Poor fish lizard alien.

The third day, Ford got even worse. Not only was he more jumpy than usual, but he kept clinging to his brother's shirt for comfort. Stan would've thought it as nice, as if they were kids again, but his brother's eyes always told him otherwise. Ford was so scared.

Stan still felt the urge to punch the triangular hell beast. He'd caused so much pain to his brother, and now that was was coming back today.. or not. He could be a nice Dorito, and decide to leave his poor, innocent brother alone...

"But as I've said, your brother is not innocent, Stanley Pines." A high-pitched voice rang into his ears. Stan whipped around to face his brother, with yellow eyes and spilling his thirtieth cup of coffee all over his clothes.

"So you can read minds, too, ya freak?" Stan yelled, pulling up his sleeves. Bill shrugged, replying, "Nah, you were just talking out loud. Kinda funny, if your brother heard that he'd have a fit."

Stan had had it. He swung forward to tackle the demon. Suddenly, the demon/brother disappeared, and he hit the floor.

Bill giggled childishly, which only made him creepier. "You humans sure are fun! I wish I could stay around longer to observe it."

Bill grabbed Stan by his sides, plopping him upright. "Hey, I still haven't gotten a thank you for leaving your poor brother alone! It's not everyday I do something like, well, leave a madman alone without a deal!"

Stan growled, facing the Dorito. "If this is about the "destroying the universe" thing, I'm not buying it!" He yelled, pointing a finger at the demon/brother.

Bill frowned. It seemed almost genuine, though it could've just been because Stan was looking at his brother's face. "You didn't find his behavior strange? I thought that.. unless he was just acting all those years..."

Bill put his head in his hand, sitting down on a dusty wooden chair. He seemed completely lost in thought, staring at the floor like Ford would when he got tough homework.

Stan sighed, not knowing what to do. Of course his brother was acting strange. But there was no way in hell he was telling the illuminacho that.

"..'Illuminacho'? That's kinda rude, buster. I would think about trying to keep your thoughts to yourself better." Stan stood stiff, not sure how to respond.

"S..Sooooorrryy?" Stan replied nervously. "Wait, no. I'm not saying sorry to you! Stop tormenting my brother!"

Stan threw a punch, but the demon caught it. "Would you really punch me while I'm in your brother's frail body?"

Stan slacked his arm. He hated admitting it, but he was about to punch his brother in the face. He couldn't do that. He wouldn't be as bad as the Dorito.

Bill smiled as his arm dropped to his side. "So, his behavior has been strange? I wonder what caused him-"

"You caused him to act this way! He's afraid of even mentioning you!" Stan butted in, jabbing a finger at the demon.

Bill sighed shakily, replying, "Kid, he's afraid of me because he doesn't want me taking down the portal. I mean, I was watching while I was gone, and how much of it did you take down while your brother was gaining rest? A massive opportunity for taking it apart, I'd say, and what is it you didn't do?"

Stan hated this nacho. He wanted to punch him into oblivion. Mostly because the son of a bitch made sense.

"..I'm keeping an eye on my bro. Two, actually. So please, I'm making sure he's fully rested, sane of mind, and that we're taking the portal down. You don't need to be here." Stanley said, looking into the golden eyes plastered on his brother.

Bill's eyes turned blue for a moment before turning back to their original color. "I... I can't. I don't want to risk anything. Believe me, I'd love to leave, but the future of every dimension and universe is at stake. I won't be leaving until my job is done."

Stan nodded. "Just.. stop possessing my brother. Okay?"

Bill nodded, outstretching his hand. "Deal."

Without thinking, Stan shook it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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