s k e t c h y b r o

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Stan helped Ford up, walking him into what he assumed was the kitchen. Ford lugged himself over to the counter, beginning to brew his coffee. Stan rummaged through the drawers for bandages, shutting the drawers loudly every time. Ford swore he was trying to make his headache WORSE.

He stared at the coffee, it was so calming.. he started drifting off before he punched himself awake, dragging his body over to a drawer.

Stan was completely confused as to why his brother just punched himself. He watched as Ford rummaged around in the drawer and pulled out some tape, placing them on his eyelids.

"Stanford Filbrick Pines WHAT THE FUCK." Stan screamed, going to /carefully/ rip the tape off his eyes. Ford backed up, nearly knocking his much-wanted coffee over.

"S-Stan, don't! It's drastic, but it helps me stay awake!" He yelled, worsening his headache even /more/, if possible. Stan stopped, looking at his brothers face. He was so scared.

Stan sighed, letting his body go limp. If Ford was gonna keep this up, Stan was probably going to end up sleep deprived, too.

"L-Listen, Ford, I know you and I don't trust the strange Illuminacho, but before he left-"

"CURSE WHATEVER THAT ISOSCELES  MONSTER HAS TO SAY!" Ford screamed, his eye practically pouring with blood.

Stan growled, not caring of his brother's headache by this point, "Ford, the Dorito said he wasn't gonna possess ya!"

Ford.exe stopped working. Stan stood uncomfortably, snapping his fingers in front of his brother's face. No response. Sighing, he poured Ford's coffee for him, into what seemed to be the only clean mug in the whole shack.

Ford suddenly burst back to life, turning to face Stanley with pure shock in his face. "WHAAAT DID YOU SAY????!!!!!"

Stan winced at the yelling, and repeated, "The Dorito said he isn't possessing you anymore. Not for a couple days. Now take your coffee, nerd."

Ford sat down at the dusty, paper filled desk, shakily holding onto his mug. Without looking, he asked his brother, "D-Did you make a deal?"

Stan wished he had some coffee of his own, to spit out at how dumb the question was. "What? Of course not! I refused to make any sort of deal with that trickster."

Ford gulped, nervously turning to look up at Stan. "H-He asked you to m-make a deal?" He asked shakily. Stan nodded.

"Believe me, pointdexter, I wasn't even slightly interested. The guy's an obvious trickster." Stan replied, patting his brother's back.

Ford shook his head. "Y-You have to leave. If Bill wants to make a deal with you then he has.. plans. Plans we couldn't possibly know about. He'll get into your head, Stan, just like me.. He WILL use you."

Stan made a raspberry, smiling. "Not if I punch him first." Ford smiled, staring into his coffee. Stan was such a knucklehead.. poor, poor knucklehead.

Suddenly, blood dripped from his eye and into his coffee.

Son of a-

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