This part i wrote please and thank you

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Stanford Pines was many things, confused usually wasn't one of them. He just couldn't understand why Stanley stayed... He should have left. Anyone in there right mind would leave the moment demons were involved. But Stanley stayed. Even though Ford had let there father kick him out. Even after he hadn’t contacted him in 10 years. He felt horrible that Stan still had so much faith in him after everything he's done. He's doomed the human race. He made a deal with a demon. He didn't deserve Stan's kindness, hell he didn't deserve Stan at all. But there he was, crying like a child because this was just so much and he didn't deserve it. /What had Bill told stan?/ Fear jolted through him, effectively worsening his already dizzying headache. Stanley didn't know who to trust.. Bill had said something huge and Stan.. Stan didn't know who to believe. And why should he believe him? Ford was a wreck. He was the very embodiment of insane scientist who lives in the woods. He couldn't meet Stan's eyes. He couldn't look at his brother. That realization made him feel sick, they were twins.. And now he couldn't even meet his brother's gaze. He needed coffee. Maybe he wouldn't be such a wreck after coffee. Ford opened his mouth to speak but found that he couldn't. Pain was slowly building in his head as more blood dripped from his eye. Stanley wasn't mad at him. He had every right to be mad at him but he wasn't. He really needed coffee. "I need coffee." he finally managed. His voice painfully thin, Stan stiffened and had the nerve to laugh. Ford shot him an accusing glare but hissed in pain as his head throbbed. He hated these headaches with a passion.

Stanley nearly fell over laughing when he heard Ford speak. He had expected many things, but coffee? He grinned at his brother, and started laughing even harder at Ford's glare. Try as he may, Ford will never be intimidating. He's a bit.. No /way/ to nerdy for that. He finally managed to get ahold of himself when ford hissed in pain.

Stanley watched ford massage his bleeding eye, he was clearly in pain. "You know Ford.. You really need to get your eye checked out. I'm not a doctor person but..." Ford visibly stiffened. Stan cursed himself internally "sorry.." Ford held up his hand and shook his head slightly. A don't be sorry gesture. "So um.. I could go make you coffee if you want?"

No matter how much he wanted coffee right now, the last thing he wanted was to be near this portal alone. Or to let Stan be alone in his house, For god's sake he had a machine that could blind you! The color drained from his face as he shook his head. Stanley looked him over. "When's the last time you ate Poindexter?" Ford didn't answer. Eating had become the least of his issues, and he didn't care to elaborate on the subject. "I'll take that as awhile. On a scale of one to ten- twelve how bad does your head hurt? That thing hit it pretty hard when he.. Made you sit up.." Ford shook his head, a small smile on his face.
"Eight.." Ford's voice wavered. He couldn't meet Stanley's gaze. He just couldn't.
Stan shook his head sadly. He really wanted to punch Bill. "Can you walk?"
Ford nodded, then stood up. He winced as his headache worsened. "I'm.. Going to get coffee then we can start dismantling the portal.."

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