I (surprisingly) wrote this

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"Stan. I said i'm only allowing you to stay here until this mess is sorted out. It's far too dangerous for you to stay here for long after-"
"Ford just shut up. When i came here i was worried about the danger of me coming here would bring you! After everything that.. That demon said i want- no need to know exactly what's going on!" Slanleys voice grew louder as he spoke, until it became a yell. Every word his brother said felt like a knife digging into his skull.
"Stanley can you please stop yelling" Ford pleaded. Headaches usually led to his eye bleeding, and he didn't want Stanley to see him like that again. Ford felt horribly embarrassed. He had started sobbing. Sobbing like a mere child in front of Stan. He had been.. So.. So happy Stan was there. But being here only put Stan in danger. He hadn't been in the right state of mind at the time, he concluded. If he had been he would have-
"Earth to Ford, you still in there?" Ford broke out of his thoughts when Stan spoke again. He nodded, then grimaced as the sudden movement made his headache worsen.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. I uh- did you say something Stanley?" Ford held back a yawn. He was less tired than he had been, but he still felt exhausted. He couldn't let Stanley know that.
"Yes i said something Ford.." Stanley sighed "I asked if your heads okay, while you were.. Possessed that yellow demon hit your head on the bars.." Ford stared at him for a moment.
"Wouldn't be the first time he did something like that.." Ford muttered, not thinking Stanley would hear.
"He's hurt you before?" Stanley said, shock evident in his voice. Ford cringed.
"Stanley you.. You saw me yesterday... My eye bleeds more and more lately. One time i woke up with a knife in my hand.. There was blood dried on the knife Stanley... I dont.. I dont know why there was blood on the knife.. that was terrifying... God Stanley I have bruises from who knows what, of course he's hurt me.." Ford's voice was quiet. He didn't know why he was telling Stan this.
"I want to punch him." Stan said.
"W.. What..?" Ford asked
"Ford. He hurt you. I want to punch him. Next time i see that dorito i'm going to punch-" Bill's words echoed in his head. "..him.." Bills words were soaked in lies. But at the same time, Stan had not seen Ford in years. After many shady dealings he had been mixed up in, he knew when people were lying to him. And that triangle was lying. But at the same time, it was a being from another dimension entirely..
"Stanley Bill is a being with no physical form. I doubt you could punch him."

Stan grins. "I've punched many things. A floating dorito would just be the strangest."
"Stan he's a dream demon.. Not a dorito."
"Dream Dorito." Stan concludes.
"Stan." Ford sighs, before holding his hand to his aching head. He winces feeling the welt on his forehead from where Bill had banged it.
"Ford are you alright?" Stan takes a step closer. Ford felt his walls shoot up as anger bubbled inside him. He wasn't mad at Stan really, more just mad at his existence.
"Does it look like i'm alright Stan?!?" Ford hissed angrily. "There's a demon that possesses me when i sleep, i build a DOOMSDAY MACHINE and my fucking eye bleeds whenever my infernal headaches pick up and now you're in danger because i decided to bring you here. Do i sound ALRIGHT to you Stanley?" Ford snaps at him, but immediately regrets it when he felt a sharp and dizzying pain in his skull behind his eyes. A drop of blood dripped down his face. He stumbled forward cursing every god he's ever read about, witch is a lot mind you. He held his hand to his eye, trembling slightly. He was so /tired/. He needed coffee. Stanley was next he him in a second, leading him to the swivel chair. Ford sat down in a defeated manner.

Stanley stared at his brother, worried. "Ford.. You need to tell me whats going on i cant... I can't help if i don't know-"
"Shut up Stanley"
"Ford.. That floating triangle said a lot of things.. And by the way your acting- Ford I don't know who to trust anymore." Ford stiffened, and looked at his brother.
"Lee I.. I.. Oh god..." Ford laughed. It was an unnerving sound. Lacking mirth but full of sadness and something else.. "This is all my fault.. I summoned him in the first place... I.. It's my fault... I fell for its lies and.. And.. And... Now you're involved and.. And i.. And now you might get hurt because of my incompetence" Ford choked out his words. "I'm so sorry Lee.. Im so sorry... I can't.. I.. He hurt fidds... I dont.. I dont even know where he is and... I put in danger because i'm so selfish and i cant even fix my own mistakes.... I.. I'm... I'm a horrible brother." Ford felt sobs build up inside him. He needed coffee. He really needed coffee or perhaps something stronger.

Stans mouth formed a "o" as Ford talked. He didn't know what to do. It had been over a decade since he had seen his brother, over a decade and a half since they were kids dealing with crampelter. He pulled Ford into a tight hug, hoping his brother reacted the same as when they were kids. Ford stiffened.

Ford didn't know what to do or how to react. "Why.." he choked out.
"Because you're my brother Ford... And you never give up on family." Ford tried to hold back sobs, but it was no use. Tears mixed with blood as he fumbled to wrap his arms around his brother. "I'm sorry..." Ford whispered.
"You better be nerd." Stan joked halfheartedly, pulling away. "And Ford.. You're not a bad brother. If anything i am. So cut the bullshit."  Stan sighed, noticing the blood slowly making its way down from his brother's eye. His anger at the demon grew as he watched his brother... So.. So depressed. He didn't care what he said he wasn't just going to leave him like this.
Ford looked.. Scared. Terrified even. He wouldn't meet Stans gaze. "Ford i'm not mad at you.. Just letting you know.."

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