☽☾ a whimsical proposition ☽☾

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There was a beating silence. 

A moment of absolute, paralyzing horror and dread. 

There she stood, a gorgeous incarnation of what I assumed to be a mere figment of my imagination. Her copper hair spilled down her body in voluptuous ringlets, and her eyes, a very deep shade of oak, seemed to be missing something...

Call it the very essence of of humanity, but I'd seen more life in the eyes of cadavers than staring into the open void of hers. She was beautiful, but something sinister lingered within her appearance. Something that kind smiles and soothing words could not dilute. 

"Who...who are you?" Great! I'd finally found my ability to use words. I managed to take a deliberate step back from her. Her smell albeit faint, was something cold and floral, like potpourri in a funeral parlor. Though it was vague, it was pungent and made my nostrils flare. 

The copper haired woman tilted her pale face, her cold eyes bearing a false warmth. 

"I'm a friend," She said as if it were as simple as talking about the weather. I swallowed back the nerves bubbling in my throat and gave a quick shake of my head, trying to appear more confident than I felt. 

"How do you know my name?" I demanded. 

The woman laughed, her giggle like that of a small child, a misconceiving beautiful noise. I felt my stomach roll. 

"Who doesn't know your name?" She said plainly, gesturing to the women back at camp. "After the Mating Season this year, you're infamous."

Her words vaguely reminded me of Elder Theodosia's bold claims at the Claiming Ceremony. Though I thought them to be empty reassurances at the time, I wondered more about their weight now. 

"So you know my name," I tried to keep my voice steady. "Great. I still have no clue who you are. If you aren't going to tell me, then let's skip the formalities," I narrowed my eyes, clenching my fists as my eyes darted back to the camp just beyond the woods. "What do you want?"

Her shell pink lips pulled back into a small smile, revealing a brilliant row of white teeth. 

"Why, the same thing as you, dear," She said with such a kind and soft voice, I nearly believed she meant it. 

"You're here to get those pesky telemarketers to stop calling about my car's extended warranty?" I said sardonically, stepping away to keep her attention off the camp of slumbering girls and on me. 

Her eyebrows raised curiously and she gave a short laugh. 

"My, you are as fiery as I've heard," She said, amusement hanging on her voice. 

"I aim to please," If she's going to attack, I might have a chance of fending her off before she gets to the girls. But if she goes for them first, there's no telling what will happen....

The Mating Season (Chase Me, Dear Alpha REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now