im feeling all right now

320 40 73

My hand decided not to be a butt, so I can draw with my right hand again.

Anyways, I missed my more cartoonie style and decided to use it. Turns out I'm rusty, but I'll get it back to where it was.

 Turns out I'm rusty, but I'll get it back to where it was

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Sorry for the bad picture quality

Anyways, remember that picture I made from my last art book with the horse person that looks identical to Aalish sitting on that throne surrounded by dust?

Anyways, remember that picture I made from my last art book with the horse person that looks identical to Aalish sitting on that throne surrounded by dust?

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This one?

Yeah. So, this picture is a continuation of the concept. This is before the chick on the throne surrounded by dust kills everyone (yes that's what's happened in the picture).
So, my OC, as most of you guys know as Hadoi, or "Hadelyn," is rushing people to a bunker to avoid TTH's (the chick on the throne) genocide.

Anyways, spoiler, Hadoi is the last to fight her, and while she holds out the longest, she is eventually killed. (I'll probably draw that later, just a future gore warning) And TTH finds the bunker with the last of the survivors inside.

Long story short, she burns them all alive.

No sugar coating that.

LieutenantMcCasky and I have very dark imaginations. In reality it sounds worse when you right it down, but this stuff is actually pretty normal for this chick. Like, seriously, this is nothing for TTH. She has legit killed two entire cities - one of them its own separate civilization. One measly castle is pretty much a speck on her record of death and destruction.

Whelp. That's all for now.

Sweet dreams. >:D

Don't you just hate it when people do this?

Yeah, me too.
Eat your soup.

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