Pulverize Sketch Dump

261 31 17

So here you have P's actual form

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So here you have P's actual form.

Also, the thing in the corner of the person not really having a good time (if you know what I mean fnfbfbdn) is a key hint to something huge about the topic of P.

Haha leave what you think about the hint in the comments. Also, questions! Small break from them, but I didn't forget! Last questions chapter, only Bub asked questions.

So, yeah.

(Screenshot was taken forever ago, ignore the time)

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25.) I plan to start an animating and/or art career on Youtube, and maybe eventually get a social life.

28.) Anxiety-free

34.) When people fake things to get attention.

40.) My sister tried to drown me when I was eight??? Idk, not really that traumatic.

I'm surprisingly very mentally stable.

I think.

43.) Yes, actually. I mean, I'd like to go further and eventually maybe hit 1k followers or something on here (woah bud, slow your role you just barely hit 150 (which also surprises me actually like what why how I literally just can't-) take your time) some day.

Whelp, that's all for now! Feel free to continue asking questions from the number list! I'll answer the ones I haven't already!

Later taters- *naruto runs away*

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