I need ideas

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To all my fellow artists here, I request your help. Lately, I've been uninspired with my art. It isn't as creative as before, though I've been working on making it more expressive at the least, and I feel like I'm falling into a hard-to-escape comfort-zone. I ask you guys for help because my biggest struggle as of now is digital art. I have no motivation for it.

..at all.

It's got me in a depressed kind of state, and even though I've been taking breaks with my art, I'm also trying to pump out as much as I can. I want to know what motivates you guys to do art, or in this case, digital art. Any suggestions you may have can be left in the comments.

If you can help, thank you. I appreciate it.

Now, for further updates.

I'm currently writing chapter three of -Mercy-, and I'm also trying to work out things in T.F.O.U. so that I can get chapter two out for that as soon as possible. Chapter two will definitely take longer than I want, sadly, but that's due to new character development needing to be added, and further character developments already having been added. This, along with the work I'm receiving now, makes things very difficult to keep up with.

I do hope you have patience, however, and hold out on waiting for the chapters in the T.F.O.U. series to be updated. So far for for chapter three of Mercy I have nearly five pages written, and over two thousand words. It's going to probably be the biggest chapter in the whole book. However, I'm close to finishing, and it should only take a few more days.

So... Hooray on that part.

Idk, I'm kinda just babbling now. I'll post art next chapter, I swear.

Also thank you guys sm for 1k votes, this book is 34 chapters ahead of the last one. Yeet.

Anyways, that's all I got for now.

Later Taters-

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