Going on Hiatus

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This seems to be a bit of a trend lately with artists, but I have a different reason for my hiatus. Unlike others, who've simply gone on hiatus due to lack of praise or commentary, my reason involves my health.

As of the late, I've been dealing with a lot of stress, and have had no motivation for art

at all.

It's pretty much nonexistent. So much so that I've actually decided to quit goretober.

I've been feeling sick, I've had a huge burst of anxiety - it's reached unhealthy (and at times, rather nauseating) levels - and have been losing too much sleep. I'm struggling to produce art, and at this point I don't want to force myself like I normally do.

Some of you guys have actually noticed my change in behaviour here on wattpad as well. I haven't put much commentary in my art chapters, and I've been getting lazy and halving it. For those of you who like my content, I'm sorry if this upsets you. I don't know how long my hiatus will be; with how things have been, I'll try to post something every week or so, maybe less, but I'll most likely be kind of absent on here. I'll still vote on stories, but that's about it.

Thank you to those who understand, and have a good day/night/afternoon.

Later Taters.

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