Chapter 1

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Note!- YSU: Young Scholars University (don't ask why...)

"Oh my God Maria! I can't believe you didn't wake me up!" I yelled, running into the bathroom with only my towel. "We're not going, remember? and anyway, it's the last class for this semester. You're just going to sit there and make bread." she yelled back, through the bathroom door. "Whatever!" i ended it there and finished up my bath, then realized i forgot all my clothes. i walked out, thinking it would just be Maria, but no. There were two other strangers in my dorm. A tall, red headed woman with the same coloured eyes and red plump lips, and a man standing at the doorway half hidden. All i could see from here was blonde hair; i could feel eyes piercing me as i walked to my room.

 The lady noticed me, though i thought i was being very silent, and sent a toothy grin my way, showing me her perfect but sharp set of teeth, then turning around and walking off briskly. 

I turned back to the door feeling uncomfortable, now that two strangers saw me in a towel, and slammed it, Not before getting one last look from the blonde.

"Who were they?" I asked, getting my clothes out. "Relatives. They're not from around here and pretty strange too, Gene must have told them i were here." Maria said, not looking at me the whole time. 'something's up....' 

Somewhere else. A week earlier....

A man with dirty blonde hair, who looked in his mid-forties, was sitting with some of his friends in a casino drinking his heart out. His wife and son were out and his daughter attended a collage called YSU, so at that point he was a free man. "You know what!? If any man can beat me in a game three times in a row, you can get anything they want from me!!" he shouted/slurred. He was totally drunk, but he was one of the best gamblers, if not the best, in the entire casino. (Or so everyone thought.)

A suited man surrounded by woman in skimpy clothes and two large bodyguards walked up to him. "Anything you say? You sad humans say shit when your drunk. But i will accept this challenge." he said, in an amused tone. "Oh, you feeling lucky huh! We'll seee."

Three games later

The blonde man watched in shock as one of the bodyguards took another large sum of his money. He just lost the money he was going to buy a car with for his daughter. Her birthday was right around the corner. "This can't bee! Your a cheetah!" he grabbed the man's white shirt and yelled,pushing the cheering drunk girls aside. The bodyguards pulled him back and punched him. "That's enough Edgar." the suited man said to the one that threw the punch. When the blonde fell to the floor, his wallet fell out and a picture fell out of it. Before he could pick it up, the suited man got a hold of it. "Well isn't she a beauty. Is this your daughter?" he asked. Indeed it was. It was a silly picture of her and Maria taking a selfie with a monkeyface and a duck face with a fake mustache on Maria.

All the man did was nod his head and earned a smirk. "Then this is what i want. I will be collecting her friday evening." he said, showing off his fangs to only him. The blonde was terrified. "Im king Author by the way." was all the man said before walking out with his bodyguards and the girls.

The little group that had gathers were slowly dispersing. The blonde realized he took her picture and thought to himself... What did i just get my family into...

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