Chapter 4

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Slowing down, the car pulled to a stop. Quickly hiding my empty bag of cookies, I dusted off my clothes, and fixed my hair. "You look fine." The driver said quietly, causing me to relax slightly. The door opened, and at the doors of the castle stood a lady. Her hair and dress matched, like she was dipped in a pool of blood, and as I got closer, I noticed her different coloured eyes, almost like Lucinda's.

"Finally." A smiled, a smile that sent shivers down my spine. "Um..." "What? Don't remember me?" When she questioned me, I remembered the other day in my dormitory, and also at the mall. My eyes widened, and I took a step back. "Hi there! Your Julia right!?" Said a little girl.  She looked like a porcelain doll. Pale skin, almost like paper, big beautiful golden eyes and long curly ponytails that bounced perfectly. "" Glancing at the girl before, I could see her playfully—or atleast I think it was playfully—roll her eyes.

"Manners, Dixie." Said the woman patiently, making the girl back away from me. "Sorry! I'm excited...did I scare you?" She tilted her head so innocently, I shook my head no. The older woman started talking, but I zoned her out thinking of why I couldn't speak. "Charm." I said outloud, and both females looked at me. "You...figured out you where charmed?" Said the older one, looking a bit taken aback. "I just guessed." I said without thinking. They both looked at each other, before taking me by my both hands.

"What the—" I was pulled into a bedroom, with all of my stuff, bathed, dressed and a little caked up. "Now," The woman started, brushing my hair as the little girl played with her doll. "My name is May Belle. I'll be responsible for your health, meals, clothing and so on. If one day you were to conceive a child, I'd be responsible for that child too." She said quietly. "You sound like a robot saying that." I said, looking at her through the mirror of the vanity. She looked up, and our eyes met. "That's because I am one." She said, quickly going back to before. I laughed, suprising her again. She raised her eyebrow questioningly. "Was I not supposed to laugh?" I giggled. My comment seemed to break her cold demeanor. "I suppose it was a joke." She giggled.

While combing my hair, she explained my current situation.

"You were brought here, to marry one of the princes. Damien—" "My older brother!" "Uh, yes," Maybelle started again, "Damien the first born, Ethan, the second and Gene, the third."

"I nodded, looking at my finished hair." And what if I choose none of them?"
May Belle giggled, guiding Dixie and I to what I assumed was the throne room, seeing that the doors here where bigger and grander than whatever else I've seen in the castle sso far. "Trust me, you will." She giggled, then bent to my ear. "First impressions are important. I like you, so I'd rather you be alive." She whispered before walking away.

As I put my hand up to open the door, I hear yelling inside. "Father! Please recon!" Said a familiar voice, but there was no way that could be her. "I've already made up my mind. The fact that you're protecting her means you know she's the perfect choice."

There was silence for a while, and I turned to Dixie. "That's my big sister. She doesn't live here." She said quietly, walking up to the door. "Please..." the voice got quite, like she was now begging.

I frowned, pushing the doors open.
Infront of me, there stood two men looking not to far away from my age; a love seat with a man and woman who I again assumed where the king and queen, and a hooded figure. Her whole body seemed to freeze when I opened the door, but she didn't turn around, even when her father got up and brushed past her.

"Julia Tanner, welcome to my kingdom."

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