Chapter 3

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"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted as Maria and I walked in. I grinned. "Awww, thanks, guys." Looking around, I saw my father in the corner, looking terrified. "What the matter with–" "Come on! Time for cake!" My mother pulled me into the kitchen, as Carlos, Lucinda, and Maria walked in after us. I shook away my suspicions as Dad also followed, joining in the singing of the birthday song and the eating my special cake.

Most people tell me my senses are as keen as a dog's, but I always ignore them. I heard the knock on the door and decided to check it myself. Surprised, I scrunched my nose, smelling chocolates and various other sweet things. "Gene, hey," I said, leaning on the wall. "Happy Birthday..." He mumbled, handing me a small gift bag. I looked into it and took out the chocolate in it, handing them back to him without a word. He froze, then took it back, looking away from me. "Where is Maria?" He cleared his throat then asked. "I'm right here! Hey! Is it time to go already?" Gene nodded. Since when has he been so quiet? Is he mad or something?

Maria smiled, kissing my cheek. "I have to goooo~" she then gave me a tight hug. "Let me get my bag," she said, before rushing back into the house. I smiled, then looked at Gene. "It was good seeing you." I waved, and he huffed, folding his arms. "It's always great seeing me!" He smirked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I said well. Not great." Before we could start another argument, a bunch of cars drove into our driveway.

A man walked out, covered in all black, even gloves to cover his hands and a hat to block the sun. "May I help you?" I raised a brow, folding my arms. Gene froze, stepping back. "No..." He whispered, running to his motorcycle and driving off into the forest. My eyes widened. "I'm rea...dy." Maria frowned. "Who are they? Where's Gene?..." She frowned, and I shrugged.
"Julia Tanner?" I nodded. "Yes, that's me." Two men approached us, peering into my house. "We have come to collect you." I raised my eyebrow, then heard my father's voice behind me. "Julia im sorry." He pulled me inside, and motioned to my suitcases. "Hey don't touch that! Dad what's going on!" I yelled, trying to get out of my dad's hold. "They'll explain it to you." My dad said, handing me over to one of the men. Tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision. I could hear Maria's screams and protests but im almost sure someone was holding her back too.  "I command you to stop!!" was the last I head from her, but her given reply was "I'm sorry princess." and I was shoved into a car.

We sat in silence, with nothing but a bag of cookies in my hand. I thought about opening the door or banging the windows but the child lock was on and I'm pretty sure the window was burglar proof glass. "Why am I here and where are you taking me." I asked blankly. The mad growled, almost like a beast, and that's when I heard a gingle.  He wore a small bell—like a cat or dog accessory. "You're being forced to do this too?" I asked, opening the bag on my lap. He stopped growling, and looked at me through the rearview mirror. I chuckled, giving him a cookie and staying quiet for the rest of the trip.

The sun painted a different color, this time orange, pink and purple. It was so beautiful, I couldn't help groaning when we entered the forest, causing the driver to chuckle. "Close your eyes" he said, and I did just that, feeling safe in this man's presence.  "Now open" he said a few minutes later. As I opened my eyes, the entire night sky was covered with stars at every corner, centimeters apart from each other. "Beautiful..." I breathed out; he chuckled again.

He pointed to the left, and I teared my eyes away from the starry night sky, and the city below it, to see a monstrous castle.

As the car made it up the hill, my head pounded in my chest. "This, my lady, will be your new residence."

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