Izuku Midoriya vs Setsuko (OC)

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"wait Midoriya! Wanna spar?" She questions happily while cracking her knuckles.

U-um can i use my quirk?

"Yeah! Sure, can I use mine?" She bounces bubbling with excitement.


"Yay!" She dose a cartwell to him landing in a fighting position.

*he gets in a fighting position* come at me

"Don't you know that's the worst move possible!" She laughs and moves her hand up bringing three sharp stings of water up from the ground underneath Izuku.

Woah! *he yelled suprised but he used smash with his finger to destroy them*

She smiled and brought a block of water up from the sea holding it above her, she shook a bit with the immense  weight of it.

Oh crap!! *he said as he was frozen by the amount of water and was holding his damaged finger* what should i do

She moved the water block to above Midoriya then sent a ribbon of water up to the block,Freezing it. creating a spear of water to shoot up crashing into it, smashing it into many big shards of ice that's she controlled to go flying fast towards Midoriya .

*he charged his other finger and used smash through the shards of ice destroying all of them and he  puts his guard up to any attack she will make next*

She creates several fists, made out of ice, that are hidden in the ground ready to strike Midoriya from below. But distracts him by
jumping in the air and surround one of her legs, making it look like a ice shaped drill. "Ice Dragon's Freezing Drill" she mutters  spinning and plummeting down towards Midoriya.

*he doesnt notice the fists and moves away from her, charging his finger*

Setsuko swerve in mid air making it so she was still heading towards him.

Think of the egg not exploding...*he thought as he somehow charged his whole body and he teleported around her at the sound of speed. He noticed the fists and used smash on with his finger on them. (He used his finger and it broke but his body didnt)

Setsuko smirked and made the ice around her foot go away. "So you want speed?" She questioned "Well I'll give you speed!" Smirking she disappeared reappearing by Midoriya "Ice water Breakdown Fist!" She yelled forming her hand with ice and water making them move around together. she thrusts her fist forward towards Midoriya.

*deku didnt have any time to react so he got hit and he fell to the ground hurt. He was in pain but he still got up slowly.he caught her speed and used smash with his finger attacking her directly*

She groaned in pain as she was thrown across and into a tree knocking it over. "Owwwchiii!!" She wines like a baby. As she got up she lifted her hand and started to create a dense whirlwind ball of boiling hot steam.

Huh it suddenly got hot in here... *he said as he got in a guarding position*

After the ball was as big as a basketball she threw it at Midoriya and a ice needle seconds after it so just before it hit it was burst by the needle sending a massive steam heat wave towards at Midoriya.

*he didnt want to get hit so he used smash with one of his fingers making it go back to setsuko.*

Stamping her foot down hard she created a wall of water that then turned into incredibly hard ice protecting her from the steam.

while shes covered she covers herself in water that slowly started to freeze. She starts to create extremely large longsword out of ice for melee combat.

The weapon is sharp and durable, similar to metal, and if it slashes her a trailing of large amounts of ice will follow in its wake, which can damage to Midoriya.

When the wall finely melts enough that it can break she slashes through it and powers though the steam running at Midoriya creating ice behind her as she runs.

*midoriya cant think of anything else but to use smash with one of his fingers creating a giant attack which throws her back and the weapon away from her*

Her weapon gets thrown away and smashes on contact with the ground. She gets pushed back but only goes a little bit back because she had ice up.

*he gets his huard uo and waits for her attack*

She closes her eyes and channels her quirk though her body making some water from the ocean circle around her with ice and steam swirling around her to. Opening her eyes which where glowing like her body. Running forward she yells a battle cry as she pushes out he hands making water Rocket her into the sky in the sky she throws her hand down towards Midoriya making whirl down and ice cool the air around Midoriya. Just before the water hits she turns it into piping hot steam causing the air to expand thus creating a huge explosion.

*deku instantly charges his whole arm (even tho his 5 fingers are broken) to use smash and counter attacks*

Third Person POV:The two attacks hit each other and create a huge boom/explosion sending back Setsuko and Midoriya making Midoriya either hit something and black out and Setsuko fall hard to the ground blacking out.

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