Before, There was a Million Chances (PewDieCry Fanfic)

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A/N Hello readers! Welcome to our PewDieCry fanfic.. Me and my friend Sierra will be writing this.. She will be writing Cry's POV and I will be writing Pewds POV.. So enjoy<3


Chapter 1

"One day, someone will come along, and make you realize why if never worked out with anyone else." ~Unknown

Cry's P.O.V

"One more game" I promised myself. I’ve been playing game after game of Left 4 Dead for the past 3 hours. This game is just really fun to play. I select 'campaign' and I get put randomly in a lobby. There was another guy playing. His display name was PewDiePie. That name kind of sounded familiar. 
I looked over a say a message in chat.
"Funny name you got there 'CryaoticMonki'"
"I could say the same for you 'PewDiePie'" I reply to his message.
"Whatever you say bro! You ready to kill some zambies?" PewDiePie asks.
"Ready as I’ll ever be." I reply
Five minutes into the game and this person is way better than I am.
"Hey, you’re pretty good at this game" I say turning on my mic.
"Ahh so he speaks!  And thanks man, you’re not so bad yourself" PewDiePie responds on his mic. 
So PewDiePie is a guy, explains everything. 
"Thanks Friend." 

About an hour later we said our goodbyes. I sat back in my chair, and looked up at the clock; I saw it was 4 in the morning. Geez time fly’s by when you’re having fun. I smile at all the fun times I had playing with the guy. He had a pretty humorous personality, which was great. We kept making jokes about how big of a hoe the witch must have been is she wore that type of clothing. I laugh at the thought.

I get off the chair and head towards my bedroom. My bed looked so comfortable right now. I crawl in and lay down.

Today, well this early morning had been great. I made another great friend. I’m glad I stayed up to play one last game.

PewDie’s POV

I had just been playing some Left4Dead for a few hours. This guy I was playing with was amazing! He was really good. He went by the name of CryaoticMonki.

Once in the game I messaged him.

"Funny name you got there 'CryaoticMonki'"

"I could say the same for you 'PewDiePie'" He replied to my message.

"Whatever you say bro! You ready to kill some zambies?" I asked. He seemed pretty cool.

"Ready as I’ll ever be." He replied.

After a few minutes of me kicking ass, he spoke.

"Hey, you’re pretty good at this game" he said.

"Ahh so he speaks!  And thanks man, you’re not so bad yourself" I told him. Damn. His voice was just... damn.

“Thanks friend.” He replied.

After a bit longer of playing, we actually became friends. After another hour of playing we both decided to go. He said that he was tired and it was really early, and I didn’t even know why I was up. I just had a strange urge to play some video games. It was nine in the morning. I guess I could get some chores done, and perhaps upload a video to my YouTube channel.

This ‘CryaoticMonki’ guy was kind of cool. He was absolutely hilarious. We kept making jokes about the hoe/witch in the game. I had been laughing all morning. Maybe I would see him again sometime in the game.

I looked around my room, and got up. I really need to clean. I’m sure Cryaotic would be ashamed. Wait, why am I thinking of him? Who knows, but over the next few hours of cleaning, I couldn’t get him off my mind. He was just; there was something special about him.

I finished cleaning, and decided to check my email, and perhaps my Twitter and Facebook. I got on and noticed a notification on my Steam. I went and checked, and it was Cryaotic. He sent me a little friend request, and a message.

“Hello friend.” He had said. I quickly replied.

“How’s it going bro?!” I said.

“I’m good man. I just wanted to see if you forgot about me already.” I chuckled at the thought.

“I could never! You’re pretty cool Cry, we should play again sometime!”

“Cry?” He asked.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s just a nickname I guess. Like you can call me Pewds!”

“He-he. That’s pretty cool friend. Well uh, I got to go. Maybe we can play later?”

“Definitely bro! Stay awesome!” After that he got offline, and I leaned back in my chair, and I just started smiling. This guy.

Cry’s P.O.V

I woke up to a very bright light shining through my grey curtains. I slowly raise my head off the pillow and looked and my alarm clock and saw it was 12:04pm. I decided I should get up and get stuff done instead of sleeping. I got out of bed and walked over to my computer. I saw that I forgot to close out of Steam last night. I quickly searched PewDiePie up and sent him a message.

“Hello friend.” I sent him. It may be weird but I kind of missed the guy already.

“How’s it going bro?” he replied.

“I’m good man. I just wanted to see if you forgot about me already,” I replied.

“I could never! You’re pretty cool Cry, we should play again sometime!” Cry? I laughed that’s a weird name to call me.

“Cry?” I send back.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s just a nickname I guess. Like you can call me Pewds!”  I chuckled, that’s pretty creative.  I look back at the clock and see we’ve been talking for a while and I still had other things to do before I could play with Pewds again.

“He-he. That’s pretty cool friend. Well uh, I got to go. Maybe we can play later?” I say.

“Definitely bro! Stay awesome!” he replies. I get offline and roll back my chair. I smiled, I need to get these errands done fast so I can play with this guy again. I stand up and rush out of my room to get all this crap done.

Before, There was a Million Chances (PewDieCry Fanfic) (On Hold, Again)Where stories live. Discover now