Dream Scares

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A/N Hello. Trying a new set up.. Thats all the updates for you.. -Hannah

Pewds POV

It had been a few months since I had spoken to Faith. It sucked not having someone around to love anymore, except my Yorkshire Ynk. My parents had been out of town a lot lately so it was just me and Ynk. Cry had also become a very good friend of mine. We would play games all the time, and sometimes we would just sit and chat about nonsense. Sometimes we talked about personal stuff as well. I told him about Faith and how heartbroken I have been lately. And he just convinced me it was the right thing to do.

I told him all kinds of stuff, from when I fell from a tree when I was 7, to me leaving university to begin YouTube. He also told me stuff about himself. He told me about his family and that he had been doing YouTube a few years before myself. He told me that he had been with a lot of people back in the day, and he described himself as pansexual. I personally have always been straight, but hearing his voice made me almost question that.

Every time though, when he would answer the Skype call, or even call me, I would never expect to hear that voice. I could tell if he had just gotten up, because his voice would be a lot deeper and husky, dripping with sleep. If he had been up for a while, his voice was much more awake and fruity. He often sounded like he was smiling through the entire Skype call.

Anytime he would be telling a story though, and I sat silently listening, I began to wander what he looked like. He had seen my face many times before, yet I never had seen his. Even on his channel he never posted face cam. His reasoning behind it was that he either didn’t feel comfortable with it, or that he distracted viewers from the actual content. Plus he liked his privacy. Even though he would tell me stuff, I could tell there was more to each story. He had always been a mysterious person, where as I was an open book. Yet I refused to ask him to turn on his camera, because I didn’t want to offend him.

The other night I had a dream about him though. In my dream, I was standing in the middle of a street. It was night time out, but the street lamps illuminated most of it. However, I was standing near a side of the street, where one street lamp was out, and I was im complete darkness. That’s when I saw him. He was standing behind a street lamp, silhouetted by the light. He turned around, and I saw the ever-so-known poker face mask. He wore a green jacket, regular jeans, and some converse.  I looked down at myself to see what I was wearing, and I wore a white shirt, beige jacket, jeans, and converse as well.

“Cry?” I said to him in a shaky voice.

“Sup friend?” He looked up at me, and stared at me with the poker face mask. He was slightly taller than me from what I could tell, and seemed to be a lot more fit than me.

"Where are we Cry?"

He had is hands in the pockets of his jacket. He turned his head and looked up at the lamp. The angle was perfect, and i could see his lips curved into a smile. He got closer to the lamp and leaned up against it.

"I have no clue." He said with a slight chuckle.

I slowly walked closer to him, terrifyed of the mysterious man. I looked around the street, only to have it morph into an alley. When i looked back at Cry, he was now leaning against a fence.

"Cry whats going on?"

"Like i said Pewds. i have no idea." He said with a hint of venom in his voice. He seemed irritated by my questioning. But he turned his head again, and i could see that smile again.

"You ask a lot of questions dont you Pewds? Do you ever just live in the moment?" Cry asked me with that grin.

"Well i mean..." I said but Cry interrupted.

"Dont answer that. Just live Pewds! You always stay held up in your house, Faith left you, and you arent getting any of the hints!" He shouted.

"What hints? And i actually do get out of my house! Sometimes.."

"Thats what im talking about."

"What hints Cry?" I asked again. He slowly stood up from his slouch against the fence and walked towards me. That mask was freaking me out under the circumstances. Once he was standing right infront of me, he leaned in to my ear, and whispered,

"Don't worry about it Pewds."

Then I woke up in a cold sweat, with Cry on my mind again. The dream was so frightening and I had no clue what it meant. Maybe I would talk to Cassy and see what she thought. She loves interpreting dreams like that. Maybe she could help me.

Before, There was a Million Chances (PewDieCry Fanfic) (On Hold, Again)Where stories live. Discover now