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Cry's P.O.V (Months Later)

"Just forget about her man"

"I know Cry but its jut hard to let someone go!" The swede says back to me.

Me and Pewds have been going back and forth about how he should forget about "her"

"Pewds listen to me, she was a complete bitch. You know she was. She never treated you right and she never gave you the respect you deserve. you need to find someone better then her. like they say, There are plenty of fish in the sea" I respond to him hoping he will finally listen do we don't have to talk about "her" anymore.

"You may be right Cry." The swede sighs. "I guess I forget about her, Its just gonna be hard to do."

"Dont worry friend, i'll help ya get through it" I reply

"Thanks for your help Cry!"

"Dont mention it, friend!"

Over these few weeks me and Pewds have gotten quite close, as friends. I've learned quite alot about him and its been great. I have learned w have quite alot in common. From favorite games, free time doings and hobbies. Also Pewds and I have been trying to skype at least once a day, but it's kinda hard with the time difference. But we have seemed to find a time when we both could skype.

"Cry? You there?" I here Pewds ask

"Yeah, just was thinking" I replied, Looking down at my lap.

"About what"

" Just was thinking about how we have alot in common" Looking up now at the swede staring at me.

He smiles " That is true we do have alot of common. That's why we are such great friends!"

I smile up at him.

"Cry can I ask you something?"

"Well technically you just did" I say with a smirk on my face.

"ugh can I ask you something else?"

"Pewds you just asked another question" I say laughng a bit. Knowing he was getting agrivated at my replies of my being a smartass.

"I'm serious Cry!"

"Okay okay ask your question already!" I exclaim trying to stiffle my giggles.

"D-do you t-think we would ever..." he stops mid sentence.

"Ever what pewds?" Wondering what he was possible going to ask.

"Nevermind it- it was stupid"

"Pewds no question is stupid. You brought it up now can you finish it?" I question him hopeing he would ask his question.

Sigh he says "uh.. Doyouthinkwewillevermeeteachother?" he said it really fast hoping I wouldnt catch it, but sadly for him i could every single word he had said.

Sitting back i think about it, I would love to meet the guy but hey I'm just not comfortable with that. Thats just WAY too much for me to handle.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked that question. it was stupid" he says rubbing the back of his neck. He knew that I had heard what he had asked.

"Dont worry about it Pewds. I just don't think we would meet." His head kinda drops as soon as he hears this. "Anytime soon at least I dont think i could handle all of that stress, of meeting someone for the first time. Its not that I don't want to, because I do, but iI think it would be best if he wait." I finished hoping that part of that statement would atleast give him some sort of hope towards the whole meeting thing. I didn't want to say a full on no because I know we will meet, one day.

"I respect that Cry, It was just a thought?"

I nod knowing he understands.

"I think I'm gonna go, Its getting pretty late." he says looking over at what seems to be his clock.

"Alright,Good night friend, Talk to you soon." I say ending the call shortly.

Standing up from my chair I walk out of my room and int o the kitchen to grab some food, since it had been a while since I've eaten. Looking over at the time i see its 3:30pm That explains why he went, it was already past midnight for him.

I step over to my fridge and pull out some left over pizza from last night and warm it up. I wonder why Pewds would even want to meet me. I'm no one special. I'm just a normal person. Nothing more and nothing less.

I was soon rudely interupted of my thoughts by the microwave going off singaling my pizza was ready.

Moving into the living room I sit down on the couch and begin eating the fantastic pizza and watch T.V.

Maybe tomorrow I'll ask him why he would want to meet me. He must have a good reason as to why.


Okay short chapter but hey i was kinda rushed *cough* Hannah *cough*

Its alright though. (sorry about grammer, punctuation, spelling errors will be edited later)

But we will be trying to update regularly, so stay tuned and tell your friends.

Or dont thats alright too.

Enjoy your day Lovelies <3


Before, There was a Million Chances (PewDieCry Fanfic) (On Hold, Again)Where stories live. Discover now