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Pewds POV

Its been a week since that dream, and I can't help but look at Cry differently. Cassy had told me that it might be because I was worried about the fact that I knew nothing about him, and I can't help him as much as he has helped me.

I guess that was pretty much right.

I didn't want to admit it though. I didn't want to admit that I might have some sort of strange feelings for Cry, more than just friends. We had only been talking for three months for Gods sake!

I shouldn't have these feelings for someone I don't even know that well.

But his voice was so appealing. His mysterious personality was just undescribable. His humor; perfect.

Who was this person that I had a crush on? I never ever thought I was gay or bi. But he just... changed that.

I can't go my entire life not knowing who he is. Because he means so much to me, and maybe Cassy was right. I was just worried I couldn't do anything to protect him. He was all the way in Florida, and I was here.

Every now and then, since having that dream, I will have it again, but in different circumstances. Like, in a field, in an office area, in a park. The schedule was, have the dream. Wake up. Fall back asleep. Dream again. A cycle that hadn't been broken since.

I have almost completely forgotten about Faith, due to always being with Cry, and him being my distraction. He was amazing at it.

Sometimes he would tell a short story about him and his friend Scott. Sometimes he would start laughing so hard, I would hear him fall off his chair. His laugh was always different though. One minute it would be that of a mad man. The next it would be a soft chuckle. The next a giggle. The next a hilarious new laugh that I couldn't even describe.

Every once in a while though, when he laughed just right, it would sound like the laugh in my dreams. I would try not to show my disturbance from hearing it, but I think he has begun to notice. I need to just not let it bother me, considering how the dreams have been going. Each time I have one, a new piece is added. I can't wait to see what he's actually trying to tell me.

I haven't been telling Cassy though. She would get into her superstitions and I didn't really need that messing with my head. I think I need to figure this one out on my own.

Before, There was a Million Chances (PewDieCry Fanfic) (On Hold, Again)Where stories live. Discover now