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Somewhere in traveling the vast areas of the multiverse, there is a headquarters for a league of powerful
Heroes. No it isn't the justice league, no it isn't the avengers, and no it isn't the bureau of paranormal research and defense...

If anyone watched or heard of Hellboy they'd understand this reference, this is the Alpha league. A group of the lost powerful super heroes in the multiverse.

Composed of, Mark AKA Overdrive, an alien species called the infinisapien, can adapt to any ability that's thrown to him. Had been very boisterous in using his powers and being top dog, until one day after being beaten by a human with powers bestowed on by God defeated him. He was stripped of most of his power but had managed to get it all back after earning it from a healer of the multiverse.

Next, Frost bite, a necrofriggian like Big Chill from Ben 10,

Next Gagnsta Genos, a demon cyborg from the world of Kill La Kill,

Next Night Mist, a being composed of several different multiverse DNA, she lived a happy enough life with the only parent or parental figure in her life. Only to have been killed in front of her by men who were trying to wipe out or take over the multiverse. She vowed to help struggling multiverses in order to do for them what she couldn't do for her father.

Next is Mystican, a boy who some how gained odd powers, much isn't known about his abilities or how he got them. But all there is to know is that he helps others without asking for reward. His desire is to help in general.

Up next is Flame warrior, has the power of his sword the flame blade, giving him master swordsmanship and pyrokinesis. Has used his weapon to protect his world from harm and danger numerous times. In order to protect his family and friends.

And lastly there's me, Humatrix, in my world I am the most powerful life form, I have every ability imaginable. However there is one thing I desire most, like those who can do literally anything I lack certain qualities that a human would have. One includes the feeling of being surprised, due to my ability to sense anything.

But like humans I have the emotions of happiness, anger, sadness, joy, and unfortunately irritation. And as to why I fight, I just do it because I know it's the right thing to do.

Some how we all got together and formed this team to protect the multiverse. At the moment I am currently fixing the training room, yeah you see earlier Mystican and Overdrive were going at it in here.

And unfortunately Mystican had accidentally shot a laser at Overdrive in the head. To which he responded by giving his head prism like properties and made the laser beams fire in multiple directions. And how was it an accident, well Frost bite had been eating a sandwich earlier and had put too much pepper in it.

Night mist and Flame had warned him it was a bad idea, but he didn't listen and sneed an ice blast at Mystican and froze his head in ice. Which made him misdirect the laser, I normally take care of the maintenance of the headquarters here.

It gives me a sense of really getting hard work done, "hey guys" I heard Overdrive's friend professor Mark say. I sighed, after finishing my work I headed to the living room.

Don't get me wrong Professor Mark isn't a bad guy but he can be way to... er... in someone's face. He numerous yet asked to get a DNA sample from me and even Night Mist.

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