Humatrix's teammate journals

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Entry one of teammate journals, this will consist of small updates on everyone's habits and behaviors. Not during missions or our hero duties.

Flame: usually listens to music and watches TV when not on missions. And the occasional training or sparring, along with sometimes getting lost in the base at times. We really should get him a map, also has a very negative thing against one of the other visitors who come visit the base. Professor Mark's skeleton Skeleton Mark, he really does hate that undead entity. And frankly I can't say I blame him, the skeleton does use up the same joke over and over again.

Mystican: can be seen in the training room, and in the living room. Most of the time Mystican would like to spar with people or go to his world at times. But though he is mostly level headed, at times he is slightly short tempered on certain occasions. One being snapping at Flame for going into his room and punching a hole in the wall.

Genos: usually has a foul mouth but over all means well, can be seen in the living room talking to his girlfriend Ryuko. He's from the Kill La Kill universe. And often times sneak her in here, I caught him once and well... lets
Just day he's learned his lesson about asking if it's okay before doing something like invites.

Frostbite: the Necrofriggian seems to be laid back when not on an assignment. When at the base he's commonly phasing through walls, even though we tell him that's a bad idea. Mainly because he could phase through a wall and accidentally see something he shouldn't have seen. One example being he phased through the bathroom door once and Night Mist was in their... that was awkward.

Overdrive: usually he keeps busy a lot whether going to the other universes to help or helping Professor Mark with his studies. He sometimes soars with me however he fails to realize that I can control the training room and would often make traps and obstacles appear in his face. Literally, once he went for a full on charge and I made a wall appear and he smashed his face into it.

Night Mist: when not busy she either helps me with maintenance when he base is damaged. Or goes out to shop for some things, and is usually kind unless you rile her to the max limit. He last time that happened, well... lets just say that she did what Ma Vreedle from Ben 10 did to Vilgax that made him cry. Girls are already strong, powerful and scary when they want to be, but multoid girls are a hundred times powerful.

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