Humatrix's side job

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In the Alpha League living room, Flame and Genos were playing a video game when Humatrix appears in human form looking exhausted. Not to mention was in a jacket, corduroys, and glasses, in addition he was carrying a satchel on his shoulder. "Worst.... day.... ever..." he said before collapsing onto the couch. Then turned back still in the outfit, one that was akin to a professor or teacher.

"What's with you? And why're you wearing that?" Genos asked cocking a brow, "oh that's right I never told you guys about my side gig" he said. "Side gig? This is the first I've heard of you having a side gig" Flame said.

"Back on earth I have a on and off job as a substitute biology teacher" Humatrix explained, "oh that's nice" Misty said entering he room. "It is yes... but when you actually see my students you'd take back your words" he responded taking off his outfit staying in his base form. "How bad can it be being a teacher?" Genos asked going back to his game "really hard, my students complain about some projects being too eccentric, others do the same only about he fact that I use actual animals for dissection. Both about how gross it is and that it's animal abuse. When it's clearly not!" Humatrix said.

"And don't even get me started on what happened today" he said walking to the fridge and grabbed a plate with a slice of cake. "Hey I called dibs on that!!!" Haywire yelled before Humatrix used his powers to replicate it by seven.

"Oh... never mind" he said as he Matrixian walked back to the couch eating, "so what happened today?" Overdrive asked. "So my class was on the topic of mollusks, specifically Cephalopods. Then one of my students had retorted with" Humatrix then adjusted his voice to sound like a bratty teenage girl. "There all the same type of gross sea animals, what's the difference between a squid and an octopus anyway" he mocked.

"Yeah considering your background it's reasonable to find that irritating" Nighto commented sitting on a nearby recliner. "But out of curiosity what is the difference between a squid and an Octopus?" Misty asked her curiosity peaked as she is only composed of sentient DNA.

And not animal DNA like earth creatures, she was curious about what she wasn't made of. "Here we go" flame said as he and Genos paused the game and the input switched to display a giant squid and a pacific giant octopus. "Though both creatures are part of the same genus with the same three hearts nine brains, chromatophore camouflage, parrot like beak, ink and jet propulsion, they are different in so many ways. The obvious difference is it's body" Humatrix said pointing out the two sea creatures physical features.

 The obvious difference is it's body" Humatrix said pointing out the two sea creatures physical features

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