Look into the future

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Because of the new books the Alpha league made called legends of tomorrow I made a character for that as well. But I figured a future look in this book wouldn't hurt.

Here is my new character

Name: Dana

Age: 19

Ability: infinite shapeshifting

Uses: disguising, weaponization, elasticity, regeneration (though she does it slowly because it's painful to do it fast), invulnerability, enhanced speed and strength, energy production.

Special moves or weaponry
-Elasit-rifle!!: she throws her arm at max speed as it generates mega-tons of energy and gives an extremely devastating punch.
-Heli-blades: she turns her arms into blades and spins her torso between her head and mid section around like a helicopter.
-Titan limbs or Titan form: she either turns her limbs extremely giant and strong or grows to massive size.
-Iron-Maiden: she opens up her mid section and pulls an opponent inside her and then creates spikes on the inside to repeatedly stab her victim and throws them out.
-barrage cannon: she turns her arm into a type of blaster and shoots multiple shots of different energy. Ex; ember bullets, flame thrower, Cryo beam, icicle bullets, kinetic boom, kinetic pellets.
-War-Head Impact: generates tons of energy in her fists and on impact they explode, and she has different names for different punches. An example is Little Boy! And Fat Man!
-Constrict-Arms!!!!: her arms extend and wrap around enemies squeezing them until they can't take it.
-Pulverizer-Pincers: she turns her hands into giant crab like claws that can penetrate titanium steel and rushed opponents.
-Infinite drill!!!: she transforms her arms into giant drills and grows multiple drills around her becoming an untouchable close range fighter. Then charges her enemies to eviscerate them.

Back ground: was a normal kid living with a normal family until one day her house and everything she knew and loved was destroyed. Is self taught in He basics of life and random knowledge. Thanks to the incident she is always in a depression. Is a skilled fighter and normally has a level head, had come across a plot to use DNA stolen by Humatrix and some how preserved it to sell to other nations as a weapon. She some how intervened and stopped the ones who were in on it, she may have lost her joy and happiness but she didn't want other homes and families to be destroyed. Unfortunately had been hit with a beaker containing Humatrix's slight adaptability and shapeshifting powers. In her blinded state she hit one of the scientists and he stumbled back and caused a fire. And then she found a kid they were going to experiment on, then she saved the child and some how discovered her new powers and used them to escape the building. Since that day she had been using her new found abilities to stop crime where ever it may occurs no matter how severe.

Actual origin story of powers

Dana P.O.V.

I had been walking down the street of Brooklyn, not a pretty place, especially if you're me. After all my family and home were all destroyed, but I don't Let's things like that bother me.

Not anymore at least, I've accepted the fact that when life is gone from someone there is no way to take it back. So rather than just being sad about it I moved on and tried my best to survive. That doesn't necessarily mean I don't care about my family's passing because I do. It's just I know they won't want me to be a sad sack my whole life.

So I just took it like a woman, so far my life's a wreck though, I just got kicked out of my apartment because it was it was scheduled to be demolished, my bank account is complete depleted because the bank was blown up, my job went bust because our competitor won over all our clients... (squish) and as of right now... I just stepped in dog crud...

If you think New York City is where dreams are made big you'd be wrong, believe me. As I was about to head for Grand Central Station to leave this bustling place I heard a scream.

Looking to a window I saw two shadows moving around like they were trying to hold something down. "What's going on?" I asked myself climbing up the fire escape to the window. Fortunately I don't own a lot of stuff so I didn't have to leave anything on the ground floor.

Looking through the window I saw two guys trying to hold a little girl down, "keep her down we need her to stay calm for the injections" one of them said. I saw a bottle labeled with a familiar symbol, 'Wait... that's Humatrix's symbol... but he's been gone for years like the rest of the Alpha league...' I thought to myself.

"Thanks to the notes we stole from Professor Mark, this artificial Matrixian DNA will be almost as strong as Humatrix himself" one of them said. "We may only have a fraction of his powers. But this one is enough I make a super soldier" the other said ready to inject the girl.

"HELP!!! MOMMY!!!" The child cries, I felt my fists clench up, ever since I lost my family I hated seeing people hurt kids. Or families who couldn't make it by, and this is the final straw.

"NOT SO FAST!!!" I yelled smashing the window and jumping through, "HEY WHO AR... GAHHH?!!!!" I punched one in the face while the other tried to stick that needle in me. "Get away you'll ruin everything!!!" He shouted, "no way am I letting you hurt that little girl!!" I retorted kicking right where the sun don't shine.

"Don't worry I'll get you out" I assured the girl untying her bindings, "STOP!!!" The one I punched yelled throwing a beaker at me. I looked back to block only to get hit in the face by the DNA "AAAAHHHHHH I'M BLIND!!!! I'M BLIND!!!!" I shouted, then I rushed forward hoping it could hit one of them.

I did, but unfortunately when I got my vision back the scientist fell and knocked over a lamp which started a fire. "Not good" I commented grabbing the child "Don't worry like I said I'll get you out" I then made a mad dash for the door only to have it close on us. "You ruined everything, if our work burns you'll burn with it".

"Crud" I shouted banging on the door, "lady help me please... I want my mommy... I don't want to die" I heard the girl cry. At that moment I felt something get me, like over millions of years were passing through my body.

I looked at my hands to see that they were changing they turned darker and my finger nails merged with my finger tips to become claws, I then looked in a mirror to see my face doing the same thing. Only my eyes had turned green and my hair was switched, my hair was green with black stripes in it. I even sprouted a tail behind me.

And all over my body green stripes appeared, "what's happening to me?" I asked. Then I turned back, save for my tail, But decided to focus on getting out, "the window" I yelled, for some instinctive reason, I focused on my arm and remembered I was hit by DNA similar to Humatrix's.

So I focused on my hands shape and the next thing I knew I burst through the wall as the room exploded with my hand now in the shape of a drill. "Woah, I gained super powers" I mused, then I grew wings on my back and started gliding down.

After which I let the child down, "AMY!!!" I heard a woman yell, the girl then looked to the source and screamed back. "MOMMY MOMMY", I saw that her run to her mother hugging her like no tomorrow.

"Oh sweetie I'm so happy you're alive!!" The mother said relieved to be with her child again. "Mommy that woman saved me" she said pointing to me as my hand turned back and my wings retracted into my back.

"Oh thank you, if it wasn't for you my daughter wouldn't be hear now" she thanked me, "it's fine ma'am" I said. I picked up my bag and started walking to grand central station, that's when I saw a blue vortex appear.

I thought maybe I shouldn't go her it, but then remembered my powers, "oh well, this happened for a reason. Might as well".

And after I jumped right through, what will be in the future for me? We'll wait to find out.

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