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Hey Wattpad!

I haven't updated in forever, it's been like two years! A lot has happened in these past two years and in case you were wondering why I tend to go MIA, two words: high school.

I started my very first book on Wattpad when I was in middle school, and now I'm approaching my senior year. Despite the stress from the heavy work load that comes along with school and my job that I've been working at for a year now, high school has thrown some very unexpected twists and turns in my face to say the least.

Middle school wasn't that easy either, but high school is difficult in a different way. Not only is it hard trying to make the best out of your years in school, but there's pressure leading up to college and making sure your junior year grades are outstanding. Meanwhile, you go through a series of emotions trying to find yourself and discover who you are as a person.

That being said, high school isn't all bad. I've had some pretty great times with my friends and I'm glad it's almost over. But I feel like I kind of left behind an important part of my life, which is Wattpad.

I've always had a love for writing, I still do. And Wattpad is a place that I was always welcome and free to go to when I wanted to share my writing. I know my writing isn't the best and when I first started, it wasn't even good, but this has always been a safe place for me to share my work. The good and the bad. Wattpad, along with my readers, allowed me to publish stories that I felt were good and that I had fun writing. It boosted my confidence and enhanced my love for writing.

Now that I'm approaching my senior year, I feel like I should continue updating whenever I can. I'll have less classes, my work load will be lighter, and I've experienced a lot in these past couple years that I think I can turn into good stories. I want to finish this book and continue my other book, The Exception, and maybe even start another one. I know there are people who want me to update The Exception, so I will. But I don't want to continue this book unless my readers want me to.

If you guys want more updates or to see how this story ends, leave some comments for me or vote for this chapter, letting me know that I have people who are still interested in this book. Also, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas about my books, feel free to let me know! Comment or message me.

And even if you guys don't want me to continue this story, thank you for reading. When I started on Wattpad, I only thought that my one friend from school would be reading, but you guys proved me wrong by giving me hundreds of reads that soon turned into thousands. I'm so grateful for you guys. Thank you guys for thousands of reads on Halos & Duets and this book!! You guys are amazing!

~Love, Morgan

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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