Chapter 23- Not Fair

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Hey guys! This chapter's not that great. It's kind of boring until it gets to Monday, so you can start reading there if you want.

Love you guys!

-Morgan xx

"Thank you so much for helping me clean up, Chels."

"No problem," she smiles. "I would stay with you, but Luke and I really need to get to our cousin's house. I'll see you later," she says, waving me goodbye.

"Bye Tina," Luke grumbles. He has a massive headache and it's making him really grumpy.

"Bye," I giggle.

Sighing, I collapse on the couch and close my eyes for just a second. I still have a lot more cleaning to do. Chelsea helped me pick up all the trash, but now I have to wipe down tables and vacuum the house and mop the kitchen floor and clean up the bathrooms. All by myself.

Being home alone is usually a good thing for me. It means I don't have to wear clothes if I don't want to and I can dance freely to my music as loud as I want it. But today it just feels wrong. I'm sad and alone, not because I want to be. I'm sad and alone because my friends have other things to do, and I'm currently too disappointed in my boyfriend to hang out with him, and my mom would rather be off with her new boyfriend in a different city than be with me, and my dad died when I was eleven years old, and the rest of my family is in Nevada and Canada.

But I suppose I can't dwell on the fact that I'm alone. Just like my dad used to tell me when I was little, there's nothing wrong with doing things alone, because I was born alone.

Dragging my lazy butt off the couch, I go start cleaning the upstairs bathroom, then work my way downstairs. Once I'm done with everything, I smile in admiration of how clean everything looks and smells.

After putting away all the cleaning products, I take advantage of this alone time by drawing myself a bath with the new bubble bath I have. Getting my phone out, I hook it up to the speakers in my bathroom and shuffle my Ed Sheeran station on Pandora. I tie my hair up in a bun on top of my head and step into my tub after sprinkling Epsom salts in it.

Once I'm done soaking, I stand up and take a quick shower. I don't trust baths because I just sat in my own dirt for twenty-five minutes.

Going into my room, I slip on some underwear and Cameron's red Magcon sweater. I do miss him, and the sweater smells just like his woodsy body spray because I haven't washed it.

Slipping on some fuzzy purple socks, I walk downstairs and put the kettle on the back right burner, turning the little knob to nine.

After I finish making my tea, the rest of the day consists of re-watching season two of Glee, my favorite season.

I look at the time on my phone. 2:34 am. Oh crap, it's Sunday. May 11. Isn't today Mother's Day?

Sighing, I realize that it is. I guess I'll go shopping for something tomorrow, although she probably won't appreciate it.


I called Chelsea to see if she wanted to come shopping with me, but she still has stuff to do at her cousin's house.

After I get myself ready, I throw my hair in a ponytail and walk to Starbucks.

"Hi Tina," Jacob beams at me with his dimpled smile.

"Hi Jacob. My regular please."

After waiting a few minutes, he hands me my drink and sandwich.

"Where are Chelsea and Luke?" He asks me.

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