Day 4- Baby You're So Classic

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Ahhhh! Life Of The Party by Shawn Mendes is out. Please buy it if you haven't already!! It's amazing!

Long Chapter, guys. Hope you like it!



I woke up with a huge smile on my face. The time I had spent with Cameron the night before was great. He took me to a nice restaurant that I forgot the name of. It was fancy, but not too fancy. We spent the time getting to know each other. I had told him about my mom and dad, and about trying to get my own apartment. I told him about Chelsea, Luke and Chad. He told be that he was a famous viner and a part of Magcon. I had heard of Magcon before, but I had never really known what it was. He showed me some of his vines and he was hilarious. I followed him and he followed me, which earned me thousands of new followers. He told me he had two best friends named Nash and Marie, though Marie lived in Canada and Nash in North Carolina. He said they were both viners also. He had previously been in a relationship months ago with a girl named Tiffany. She thought Cameron was too silly because of his vines so she broke up with him.

After dinner, he took me to a park by my house and we played on the little kid equipment. He then took me home and asked for my number, promising to text me the next day even though we would see each other at our shoot.

I walked out of my house and hopped in the backseat of Chelsea's car.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Not even my mom could ruin my perky mood that morning.

"Well you're in an oddly cheerful mood this morning", Chelsea said. "Why?"

Luke looked like he was still asleep.

"Can't I just be in a good mood because I get to see my two favorite people in the world?"

"No. It's seven in the morning and you haven't even had coffee yet. Why are you so happy?" she asked pulling out of the neighborhood.

"Well... You know that cute, cheeky boy from Vanity Teen?"

"Mhmm", she answered nodding her head.

"Well it turns out he's Cameron, my modeling partner. Chelsea, he is the most adorable thing that ever lived! He has the most infectious smile and gorgeous eyes. His laugh gives me butterflies and he is hilarious. He took me to dinner and the park last night and I had so much fun. I didn't think about Chad for the whole time!"

"So you went on a date?" she asked excitedly.

"I think so. That's what he said, and it seemed like one, but it just seems a little fast", I said.

"That's okay. Fast can be good sometimes", she assured me. "So did you kiss him? Did you guys hold hands? Did he say really sweet things the whole night?" she asked.

"No we didn't kiss, he held my hand a few times, and he complimented me at our shoot", I said leaving out exactly what he told me. I wanted that to be just between us. Even though I had just met him, I felt like what he said to me was special and meant for my ears only.

We pulled up to Starbucks to get our coffees. Luke was indeed asleep in the passenger seat of the car, so we had to wake him up.

"Luke, wake up", Chelsea said gently shaking Luke's shoulder.

"What?" he asked crankily. "Why are you bothering me? I'm trying to sleep!"

"Oh well I'll just drink your coffee then", Chelsea said.

Luke shot up in his seat. "Give it to me."

"Hi Luke!" I chirped.

"Oh hey", he said to me. "When did she get here and why is she in such a good mood?" he whispered to his sister.

The Shoot - Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now