Chapter 27- Seventeen

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The past two days have gone by too slowly. Sunday was boring. I sat on the couch the entire day doing nothing but watch TV and apartment search, only getting up a few times to exercise my leg. Yesterday, everyone at school was staring at me while I tried to hobble to class with Luke and Chelsea by my side. Chad even offered to carry me, but not out of sincerity. He offered with a sly grin on his face in which I replied to with an unattractive scoff. After school, we went to work, which was tough because I had to stand up the whole shoot. Cameron had to end up carrying me to the car.

The only thing that cheered me up yesterday and the day before was Cameron's presents he continues to give me. Yesterday he gave me a beautiful dark blue dress and on Sunday, he bought Chelsea and me manicures and pedicures at our favorite nail salon. I'm looking forward to seeing what my present is today.

"Hey guys. How was work?" Gina asks as I follow Cam into the kitchen on my crutches.

"Good," we answer simultaneously.

"How was your day?" I ask her.

"It was great," she answers with a bright smile. "Are you two hungry?"

"Yes," Cameron says at the same time that I say "not really."

He takes the crutches out of my hands and leans them against the island, then lifts me onto a stool. "Stay here, I'll be right back," he says grinning, which lets me know I'm about to get my present. He exits the room, leaving his mom and me in the kitchen.

"Are you excited to turn 17?" Gina asks, smiling from ear to ear.

I chuckle as I reply with a soft, unbelievable "yes".

"Look," she starts, putting down the cooking spoon and walking towards me. "Spending your birthday without your mom will be tough, because any normal day without her is tough I'm sure. But I know that Cameron and your friends will make this a great birthday for you, sweetheart. I know they will. And if you ever need anything, like to talk to someone, I'm here for you," she smiles.

"Thank you so much Gina," I say, returning the smile. I'm not allowed to call her Mrs. Dallas because it makes her sound old.

"No problem, sweetie," she says, placing her hand on top of mine and giving it a light squeeze.

We both snap our heads to the side when we hear the sound of a camera snap. In Cameron's hands is a black Polaroid camera with a picture sliding out of the bottom. He catches it and lightly waves it in the air, then places it on the island next to me.

"Happy Birthday," he smiles, handing me the camera and two packets of film along with it.

"Aww, thank you," I say, placing them next to me and hopping off the stool to hug him. I breath in his fresh scent and rest my head on his chest as I smile. I hear a photo being taken of us and I giggle, letting go of my awesome smelling boyfriend.

"Come on, let's go up to the game room." He wraps his arm around my waist, about to pick me up when I stop him.

"I want to walk," I tell him.

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah. I can do it," I give him an assuring smile.

"I know you can," he says, kissing my forehead. "Let's go."

I grab my crutches as Cameron grabs my present and follows me to the staircase. I lean my crutches against the wall so I can grab onto the railing while hobbling up there. I hear a photo being taken of me as I reach the last step of the first staircase. Now onto the next one. I slowly hobble to the next staircase as I breathe heavily.

The Shoot - Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now