Day 1- Seeing the Brown Eyed Boy

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"Turn to the right!" I did as told. "Beautiful, perfect! Hold it." I held the pose for a few more seconds. "Now give me something else."

I changed my pose and held it.

"Great! Don't move." He snapped a few more photos, then stood back to look at his camera. "Okay! We have enough. That's a wrap!"

I sighed as I walked off the set and over to wardrobe. A big smile grew on my face when I saw Chad leaning against the door frame talking to Genie.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerfully as I walked towards them.

Chad turned his attention to me and smiled. "Hey, babe", he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hi!" Genie chirped.

She was the girl who had gotten me the job the week before.

"Great work today. I loved it", she complimented.

"Thanks!" I smiled, even though I hated modeling. I still wanted to be good at it, though. "How about you babe? Did you like it?"

"Uh... Yeah, baby, it was great", he said quickly. He had been looking around and he seemed kind of distracted.


"Mhmm", he replied, still distracted.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him curiously.

I tried to turn my head but he quickly turned my chin back to face him. "Nothing", he said suspiciously. He gave me another peck on the cheek.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go change. I'll be right back."

I walked through the door and into the dressing room, eager to take my six inch heels off. I slipped them off along with the white dress, and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. After I put the dress on a hanger, I grabbed my bag and left wardrobe.

When I got to the door, Chad wasn't standing there, and I thought that maybe he was in the car already. I looked around in search of him. I saw models standing around and they had just finished a beach shoot. As my eyes moved across the large group of models, one of the boys caught my eye.

I could only see his left profile, but something about him just stood out from the rest. It was the fact that he was one of the few brunettes in the crowd.

He couldn't seem to stop laughing at whatever the guy in front of him was saying. His fingers ran smoothly through his hair as he turned his head, still smiling. After skimming across the room, his eyes locked with mine and his smile turned into a smaller, warmer one.

His eyes were brown. I could tell, even from the large distance between us. His brown hair standing nicely on top of his head.

I couldn't help but stare at him, but he had been doing the same to me. After staring at his features for what felt like an eternity, a small smile grew on my face as well.

He was very handsome. And I loved the fact that just like me, he was one of the few brown eyed brunettes in the place. He had a very nice smile and a cute nose. His body wasn't too bad either.

It wasn't till a few seconds later that I realized he was walking towards me.

"But for what?" I thought to myself.

I gave him a small wave as he made his way over to me.

"Tina! You ready to go?" Chad asked breaking the stare between the cute brunette and I.

"What?" I asked slightly confused. I was a little focused on the guy in front of me.

I turned my head to see Chad walking up to me. "Are you ready to go?" he repeated himself. "I have a game tonight. Remember?"

The Shoot - Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now