Divine Love Part 2

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 (Did some art this chapter. Hope you like it! It'll make sense once you finish >.* Also, comment if you want more of this story!) (Edit: I WAS TOLD I DIDN'T ADD THE POV I'M SORRY CONTINUE YOUR DAY)


It's been some time since I've seen him in person, so I wasn't quite surprised by his sudden change in height. But I was absolutely surprised when he seemed to flash in and out of existence, making me fall through where he used to be before he was there again standing above me. 

"W-what just happened?" I questioned. His eyes darted down to me and he looked as if he were surprised by my presence. 

"W-what...?" He murmured. "What's going on?" 

I shakily got to my feet, about to repeat myself when it happened again, and he reappeared with a different expression like before. 

"G-Garroth, what's happening?" He looked at me quickly, not hesitating this time like before. 

"It's Lord Aphmau." My eyes widened, if that was even possible anymore. "There's this weird dream dimension she goes to when she falls asleep, and I-" He disappeared once more, then appeared again, his eyes watery. 

"Garroth, what is Aphmau doing to you?" I almost shouted, not patient enough for this madness. He blinked away his tears and cleared his throat. 

"R-right, right. Lord Aphmau and I are somehow brought into this dream dimension when she falls asleep, and we've been talking. I've told her about what's happened in this dimension, and I've tried convincing her that you're not hurting me, but after managing to hide it for a bit she found the scar you made on my back. She doesn't know how to trust you... She healed it though, so I'm fine now." 

I sighed and didn't meet his eyes, turning away from him. "It won't work, Garroth..." I murmured. "There's no undoing what I've done... It's a miracle that you haven't killed me yet..." He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't seem to find anything to say, so he shut it once more. 

(Time Skip Because I'm Impatient) 

Garroth swung his sword, loosely and easily blockable, and I tapped it out of the way before lightly poking him in the chest with my blade. We both giggled and let out sword arms drop to our sides.

"Ah, I missed this.." My older brother murmured. 

I placed my hand on his shoulder, looking up at him. "I did too, big brother." 

His eyes widened at the term and he gave me a watery smile. The moment was broken by a bright flash, much like the one that brought us here, and we both turned to see Aaron charging at us with his sword drawn. 

"W-wah- gah!" He grabbed me by the throat and held me above the ground. Curse me and my shortness! 

"Aaron, wait!" I heard Garroth shout. "He's not a threat! Put him down this instant!" 

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