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Name was breathing heavily as she put a hand on her knee then smiled with a worried face then looked at both men that was 5 meters away from each other with a very serious face. "Akkey, Hiro I'm sorry for being late I was doing something earlier with Mitsuki-chan." Name stood properly still smiling at them. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Name, you need to choose between the two of us." Hiroomi said standing in front of Name with Akihito beside him as he sighed through his scarf that was wrapped around his neck while Akihito glared at Hiroomi then focused his gaze on Name, eyebrows meeting each other.

Name didn't replied as she bit her lower lip then looked down preventing her tears. She opened her mouth, but shut it as soon as possible. No words were able to escape from her own mouth.

"Please, Name. Just choose! Just choose between us! Just explain why you choose him or me and I'll-"

"You think it's easy, Akihito? You think it's easy to choose between the two of you?" Tears started to flow down her cheeks as both of the men's hearts soften because of the person in front of them.

Snowflakes were falling and one landed on her cheek as she wipe it away with her sleeve along with her tears. She was a fragile girl who's having a hard time since meeting these guys. She can't even scream, but can only screech.

She stomped her feet while wiping her tears with her school uniform's sleeve then she walked away leaving them looking down with guilt showing in their eyes while both eyebrows were meeting each other again as if they were having a huge problem to solve.

"I'm sorry Hiro, I'm sorry Aki." She whispered before going down the stairs her hair full of snowflakes.

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