Carter Van Tross Watches the Lighthouse

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     Uncle Renn leads Carter back up the shoreline, away from the all-too-familiar body. He knows that face, from when it was reported constantly on the news. At first, he thinks of reporting it to the authorities, but the man's family would probably not be looking for their son any longer. It had been five years, why would they? Besides, the money from the reward wouldn't be enough to save them.

     Carter climbs into the passenger seat of the truck and Uncle Renn closes the door on his nephew. He watches as Uncle Renn walks around to the driver's side and jams the keys into the ignition. The truck sputters to life.

"Do you see the lighthouse behind us?"

     His uncle's gruff voice is weak in comparison to the old truck's deafening roar. He nods, turning to look at the lighthouse which rises like Atlantis from the ocean waves.

"Keep your eyes on that okay Carter? Don't look away from the lighthouse!"

     The truck begins to move forwards, rumbling over the rocks as it picks up speed. Carter watches the lighthouse, watches the waves as they lap against its silhouette. He watches the lighthouse, not noticing when his uncle turns the truck and accelerates towards the cliff face.


     His uncle takes his hand but he doesn't look away from the lighthouse. 

"I love you so much!"

     Carter watches the lighthouse.

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