Quietly Dying

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My breath ran ragged and sharp. The impact of my feet on the smooth stone pounded into my very essence. I had but one thing on my mind, escape. Escape from the binds that weighed so heavy on my mind. And escape I was determined to find.

I tried to remember what exactly had lead me to this point. What lead me to wanting to die. But every time I tried, I winced, eyes brimming with tears. The memories would flood at me all at once. Never happy ones. Just ones of malice. Ones of hate.

Among the memories I could bring myself to recall, I saw many horrific and grotesque things. Things that no mere mortal soul should be subjected to. But I had. Though I was bordering the point of mortality myself.

I was always a happy child. I had long black hair, pale skin, and soft black eyes that could charm anyone. But with these eyes, I became manipulative. I dealt in mortalities, and pocketed checks. I had become a quaid. A soul bordering monstrosity. A rancid, vile soul that only brought wretched things to this world.

My pacing had finally brought me to the side of a fissure in the ground. At last, I could end this bitter agony that I now knew as life. I poised myself to jump, but the arms that snaked themselves around my waist pulled me from harm.

"Damn it.." My small voice quivered, and I knew it wasn't all over. Not today.


Author's Note-

I would just like to take the time to personally thank you all for the wonderful feedback I got for this... And it's only a prologue I was astonished at how many views I had gotten in such a short time. As for updating, updating is going to be fairly random. I'll only update once I feel I have made the chapter I'm writing the best it can be, because that's what you guys deserve! Though I am pondering making an update later today. Well, seems as if I've rambled slightly. But, oh well. Love you guys!!! <3

-Beautiful Enchanting Annihilation 11-13

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