Chapter Three- Aftermath

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As I pulled myself from the ground next to the bloodied, mangled lump of flesh in front of me, I became aware of the stench. It smelled of decay, slightly bitter, but obviously well fermented. Putrid, none the less. The flies were already arriving in swarms at the scene to deposits their maggots that would consume and wriggle amongst the gore so effortlessly.

Wynter's mind could barely remain stationary as she plotted her escape from the scene of her noncompliant crime. The streets were too dangerous. The sidewalk was too risky. No hotel would have her while she waited for this whole situation to blow over. Her only chance was to retreat to the ally, yet that was a risk in itself.

The allies were where It liked to do business. That was the location of the underground world of bounties. Bounties she remembered ever so clearly.

Breathing heavily, in obvious distress, she fell once more to her battered, scraped knees. Cradling her head in her hands, she cried tears of frustration and agony. The torment was endless.

Quaids were known as awful, thoughtless and wretched beings. But she was so much more than that. She liked to create. She liked to roam free, the wind at her back. Yet on her back to fell the wind was It. The hitchhiker. The unwelcomed. And It carried it's fiendish reputation with her. Simply guilt by association.

Her blood ran cold as she lost control of her legs. The stiffly took an upright position. Her eyes wide with fear, she cried out as she found herself closer to the alleyway. It held nothing but darkness.

She fought with everything she had, yet couldn't manage to free herself from It's grasp, but It's claws were already sunken in so tightly, she could hardly breathe. Wynter was dragged to the edge of the ally, and took a deep, jagged breath that tasted of mildew and urban decay before It forced her into the darkness once again.

She pictured It playing chess with her soul, one move closer to an ultimate checkmate.


Authors Note~

Hello all! It's been quite sometime since I've updated. Thank you to those of you that were so kind as to comment on the story while I was busy and attempting to get this chapter presentable! You guys keep me going, I could never do this without you guys! <3


Beautiful Enchanting Annihilation 11-13.

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